Hamilton Hello?

Those admitted did you do? Had you done an interview? Those applying are you doing? Pls share type of question asked!


just posted separate threadā€” S23 applied RD and is trying to do the Hello! but thereā€™s technical issues. He couldnā€™t get an interview slot but did the supplemental response.

Kinda frustrating.

I would send an email. If thereā€™s a technology glitch they may extend deadline.

what is the deadline?

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In a previous year the deadline for submission was January 22nd for ED2 applicants and February 1st for RD applicants.

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I thought I was today! any luck?

we will try again today but no luck so far!

what happens when you try?

as of yesterday when he clicks ā€œContinueā€ it just resets back to that same page (the one with the ā€˜Testā€™ button).

Did your student reach out to them?

they are closed this 3 day weekend but will reach out this week when they reopen.


hi! I was admitted for january for class of 2027 and I did both an interview and the hamilton hello. not sure what helped but the two questions I got were something like what is the role you play in your family and a why hamilton type question that was very similar to the supplemental essay prompt.

My student did the supplemental essay and listed a URL to start up business w/a written explanation of what it is and how it relates. She is so burned out right now by the process at this point. Does she really have to interview and do the hello? Do people get admitted without this? Schools talk a lot about transparency etc. Seems like all supplemental requirements should be listed the common app before the app is submitted and the fee paid.

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I believe all of the supplements are ā€œoptionalā€, and that youā€™re not penalized for not doing them. However, others are helped by doing them, and itā€™s a competitive process. I havenā€™t figured out the pretzel logic required to make sense of that.


We are so disappointed that the Hamilton Hello! website was broken all last weekend-- and apparently the deadline was last Sunday! The interview slots are full and have been since he applied and had access to request one. Iā€™m just not sure they should weight these things very much if they donā€™t give all applicants an opportunity to compete them.

S23 is reaching out to his AO to at least let him know he tried. Thoughts?

Iā€™m a current student who did an interview and the supplemental essay but not the Hamilton Hello if that helps!

S23 did the supplemental essay but was unable to get an interview slotā€” all full.

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@Techno13 hamilton doesnā€™t require a portal to request an interview.

the only place we finally found it was in the post-app checklist in the portal. Doesnā€™t do any good now. They donā€™t have enough interview slots for everyone regardless.

I believe he should, especially since he appears to have been enthusiastic about these avenues. With communication now, your son can show his enthusiasm in a different way.