Hamilton RD Class of 2020

Ah… Bummer

Well atleast I can sleep peacefully for tonight, knowing that when I wake up, there’ll be no admission decision waiting for me. Haha.

Just saw the email that said that, so at least we know! Still stinks we have to wait lol

All the best erryone. I’m really counting on Hamilton so lets hope for some good news for all of us.

what are everyones stats?

My stats aren’t exceptional but I’m proud of them:

SAT: 1930
APs: APUSH and APGov
I’ve had honors classes for basically everything else.
GPA: 3.9uw/4.1w
As far as ECs, I’ve been doing chorus and theater since freshman year, and I spent my entire junior year abroad on a state department scholarship to Indonesia. In Indonesia I taught English and went to regular Indonesian public school in Jakarta. I also went to Hamilton’s Diversity Overnight event in September and had a good interview :slight_smile: Just hoping for the best.

Hey everyone, international applicant here. 2150 SAT/1460 CR+M. We don’t do GPAs but I have As and Bs on my transcripts. Decent ECs and community work, lots of sports. Require financial aid.

1420/2170 and top 12% of my class with good ECs relative to my Public Policy major. Grades are definitely a weakness but the rest of my app is very solid. Fingers crossed;)

anyone else getting a little scared? its almost here!

@anushkaagupta08 Scared is an understatement. What are your stats?

@badlands well, i wouldnt say they’re exceptional. i got a 1980 in my SAT and im the top 10% of my class, since we dont get GPAs. i have a ton of EC’s and i worked hard on my essays :blush:

i didnt get good news from Barnard today, so im really hoping Hamilton might have something good in store. plus, im an international kid.

what about you?

@anushkaagupta08 i’m from India, and I’m assuming you are too. I have a 2150 SAT/1460 CR+M. We don’t do GPAs but I have As and Bs on my transcripts. Decent ECs and community work, lots of sports. Require financial aid. Have you applied for aid?

@badlands hahah hello from the same side of the world. your scores are definitely better than mine! i havent applied for need based, but merit is appreciated.

I think you’re probably aware that Hamilton does not offer merit aid.

What time do decisions come out today?

8 PM…so far away lol

@BelknapPoint oh thanks, i wasnt aware. as i said, its appreciated but not needed. but thanks for letting me know!

international deferred candidate here. hearing my final decision tomorrow. I see my chance of getting in amidst such strong and financially well-off international candidates really slim. good luck everybody! hoping for the best.

@badlands I’m in the exact same boat you are mate. Unless someone’s got perfect stats, its just too hard for us internationals to get aid. Not an enviable position to be in

Hamilton doesn’t offer domestic applicants with perfect statistics merit scholarships. In terms of need-based financial assistance, domestic students and international students are treated equally.