Hampshire admissions Fall 2014

<p>There is another thread just for EA/ED but this one can be for everyone.</p>

<p>We were just invited to submit a parental recommendation. I imagine that's offered to everyone. Any advice? </p>

<p>We are also scheduled to visit on Friday but the weather looks terrible for flying in on Thursday. Keeping fingers crossed.</p>

<p>Hi - when I was asked, I tried to cover things his guidance counselor and other recommenders might not have covered. I also asked my son what he’d like me to mention. It was fun! The weather isn’t looking so great for tomorrow, particularly tomorrow afternoon/evening. Where are you flying into - Hartford?</p>

<p>It’s a chance to give the school a different perspective on your child, and to talk about why you see Hampshire as a good fit. I really appreciated the chance to get up from our spot on the sidelines of the whole college process and actually tell the school why we thought our daughter might belong there. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice! Yes, we’re flying into Hartford. Our flight tomorrow has already been cancelled so we are hoping to get in on Friday morning.</p>

<p>There is a previous thread, <a href=“recommendation from parents of applicants? - Hampshire College - College Confidential Forums”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hampshire-college/1052782-recommendation-from-parents-of-applicants-p1.html&lt;/a&gt; , on parental recommendations. For what it’s worth, I posted the two recommendations that I wrote there.</p>

<p>We finally made it to Hampshire on Saturday! We wandered around on our own and introduced ourselves to some very friendly students and faculty. There were definitely things my S liked. For example, we got caught in the middle of a Mythos battle and he said he’d definitely join up with that activity given the chance! We loved skimming the Div III projects in the library. The whole place is like my college dorm (a residential college on for people interested in the Arts, most of whom ended up with PhD’s in science) on steroids. But it wasn’t the slam dunk with my S that I thought it would be… guess we’ll wait and see what develops.</p>

<p>I’m glad you guys finally made it to Hampshire - what a winter it’s been in these parts! Were you able to tour and do an admissions session? A lot of times, I found them to be not terrible useful but the tour and session at Hampshire was the exception. It’s funny, my younger son was visiting his older brother (the Hampshire student) that weekend. Glad you enjoyed it - keep us posted!</p>

<p>I wish we could have had a formal session & tour – we were wondering if they followed a different script than the usual college. Looks like it is in the top 3 for my S anyway. Now just waiting for a decision from them. When should we expect that – do they wait until April 1?</p>

<p>I really enjoyed both and even remember the name of the young man who did our tour. I can’t say that for any other college we visited for either of my sons. As I recall (my S is a third year) it was around the last week of March and not all the way til April 1. When I get home, I’ll see if I can find his letter and let you know for sure. </p>

<p>@BTMell Did you get a chance to find the letter to see when they announced the decision? I’m hoping soon! I’m regretting not sending a follow up to their admissions department after our self-guided visit. Not that it would make a difference on admissions, per se, but we’d probably need a good merit offer to really seal the deal.</p>

<p>Hi @crowlady - it’s at home but I’ll try to remember to check this evening. As I recall, it was towards the end of March. He received acceptances from Bard and Sarah Lawrence on one day and Hampshire and Bennington the next. We did find Hampshire to be very generous and in fact, met with the financial aid director and were able to get a bit more money vs. initially offered. Always ask! I’ve found the financial aid office very good to work with (and everyone is really nice there - they seem to really want to help). I wonder if there’s an admissions blog that would tell when decisions are mailed? I’ll check on my end too.</p>

<p>They do have a blog, but it doesn’t seem to have such practical information on it! <a href=“http://hampshireadmissions.■■■■■■■■■■/”>http://hampshireadmissions.■■■■■■■■■■/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hi - we received the letter on the 24th of March (it was dated March 22). I’m guessing it wouldn’t hurt at all to send a follow-up to the admissions department. You never know! Keep us posted?</p>

<p>Still waiting out here! Has anybody else heard? </p>

<p>Okay, big envelope arrived today and it’s a yes!</p>


<p>Yay - congratulations!</p>

<p>My daughter also got in!..yes, a big envelope.</p>

<p>^^^ Congrats to your daughter! Very exciting.</p>

<p>Great News! I hope they end up going.</p>