Hampshire admissions Fall 2014

<p>Checking back in – my son decided to go to RIT instead. In the end I think he wanted a larger, more structured school. But best of luck to anybody else still deciding.</p>

<p>Congrats, @Crowlady on your son’s decision! My boys both looked at RIT, primarily because of NTID (National Technical Institute for the Deaf). Wow - talk about amazing accommodations - they even have an audiologist on staff there who does cochlear implant programming. Hampshire’s worked well for S1 because the classes are so small (and the disabilities coordinator at Hamp has been great to work with). S2 is at another small LAC in Maine but we all had great feelings about RIT. Good luck!</p>

<p>I’m in and will probably be attending! :)</p>

<p>and congratulations! My older son is finishing his third year and really loves Hampshire.</p>