Hampshire College - No grading question

<p>Sorry if this was asked before, I didn't see a board.</p>

<p>I want to go to grad school. I would like to transfer to Hampshire college (not sure if I'm in yet). I want to know what happens if I do attend. What do grad schools judge? Just curious. I really like the idea of no grades but evaluations because most grades are simply memorize, spit out, forget, and while thats fine for some people, I don't equate that with learning or actually helping in life... anyway, any help is appreciated. :)</p>

<p>Hamphire students have a good record getting into grad school, often because they have done graduate-level work as undergrads. Graduate schools are fine with reading Hamphire evaluations (sometimes they just read them and assign them a grade!) and if you take some courses at the other colleges then you will have some actual grades on your transcript as well. But those grades won't be as gratifying or tell you as much as your Hampshire evaluations will!</p>

<p>Hampshire grads defintely get into grad schools. The PA in our medical practice went to Johns Hopkins from Hampshire, and had her pick of top grad programs when she applied. What my D received in written evals from her Hampshire profs was far more valuable and took much more time and investment on their part than an arbitrary, subjective grade. And as FrannyT said, if you take courses within the consortium you'll get those letter grades.</p>