Handling 5 AP courses...

<p>My junior year, I am set to take 5 AP courses:
AP Physics B
AP Calculus AB
AP Macro/Microeconomics (1 semester each)
AP English Lang. and Comp.
AP Chemistry
Spanish III</p>

<p>I will also be participating in 4 extracurriculars, some only meeting once every 2 weeks. I also plan on taking a course online. I will also be involved in a few more things.
I know this seems like A LOT. My high school offers everything we are required to take (1st four on schedule above) in AP, in 11th and 12th grade. So me, being the over-achiever that I am, of course I am taking the most rigorous schedule there is.
*<em>What do you think?
*</em>How much homework do you estimate I will have?</p>

<p>Looks good… But doubling up on AP sciences (physics B and Chem) might be a bit hard. My brother doubled up on science last year - he took AP chem and Bio, and almost died from the work xD… But you should be able to handle it. </p>

<p>AP Physics B should be pretty easy if taken in conjunction with Calc AB, and Macro/Micro is not that hard to self study, so with the class, it should be much easier. AP Chem will probably be the class with the toughest workload… well it’s the hardest class in my school. AP Eng. Lang is pretty self-explanatory… shouldn’t be too hard if you’re a native speaker. I’m going to be taking 4 AP classes next year, along with 4 other gifted classes, so I’ll probably have a similar workload as you.</p>

<p>As for homework, I’d say like… maybe 1-2 hours for each class (excluding the spanish)? (give or take a few…). At my school, every AP class gives about 1 hour a day, sometimes more, sometimes less… Just make sure you prep yourself well for those ap tests! Good luck! :)</p>

<p>my son, who is very smart, was able to do it, but he didn’t do much in the way of extracurricular activities</p>

<p>in general, be ready to study until midnight, every single night.</p>

<p>Doesn’t look bad at all.</p>

<p>Homework depends on the teacher.</p>