<p>@mgcsinc – the exact same thing can be said about the rape allegations. i completely agree with you about the fact that none of us know anything about what really happened and can’t speculate. my complaint is not with this case alone but with the system.</p>
<p>and that’s kind of my point too. allegations are just that – allegations and are often exaggerated or downright false. and they are also sometimes true. but you cannot act on an allegation alone. </p>
<p>and on that note, @jnori, yes, you cannot treat an accused person as a guilty person. “innocent people have nothing to fear from the truth” does not apply to cases of sexual assault where the stigma alone and culture of unconditionally believing the victim may as well be a conviction. so no, a university should not expel a student because of accusations. due process, anyone?</p>
<p>as far as the DA, plenty of innocent people are accused of crimes. and even if the case is later thrown out, the accused is going to have to put that on every job application he ever fills out. you talk about victims rights, but the accused have rights too. hell, the guilty have rights too!</p>