<p>Is there a list of 'hands on' engineering schools? Or could we compile one here?</p>
<p>Im looking to go into electrical engineering next year, and after visiting Cal Poly, i've become hooked on the idea of 'hands on learning' and/or 'learn by doing' collages. I've come across a few listed below, but i'd like to broaden my list. I'm looking for any engineering collages that have 'labs' based on the declared major starting freshman year.</p>
<p>Here's my list so far:</p>
<p>Cal Poly SLO
Cal Poly Pomona
Florida Institute of Technology
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering</p>
<p>Look at Northwestern’s Engineering First program at the McCormick School of Engineering. Great hands-on work day one, lots of tight mentoring/individual attention:</p>
<p>“The Engineering First® program is an innovative first-year curriculum for McCormick undergraduates. The program gives Northwestern engineering students the fundamentals of a successful engineering education, and lets them experience more real engineering early in their undergraduate careers.”</p>