Happy Birthday..........


<p>10 char.</p>

<p>yeah happy b day hope you got my video.</p>

<p>Birthday spankings!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone!!!</p>

<p>btw...Jimi your pm box is full.</p>

<p>okay I got it thanks</p>

<p>Should I study or should I go have fun today??? I am actually considering it.</p>

<p>Uhhh... fun.</p>

<p>no you should do half and half study and fun.</p>

<p>all fun.</p>

<p>But the Bio exam is on Thurs...and what better way than to spend my time than studying plants, various methods of contraception, and all those other wonderful things.</p>

<p>stop telling her that when she has exams what is wrong with you guys, shaddix half and half okay. Martha how would you know?</p>

<p>Fine then... just make sure you eat some cake batter.</p>

<p>I mean it is only an exam...but I will be ****ed at myself for taking 3 years of bio and doing badly on the exam...</p>

<p>cake batter...I don't even think I have a cake...</p>

<p>So much for being reponsible...</p>

<p>Responsibility is overrated.</p>

<p>I concur. (10 char)</p>

<p>Happy B-day!!!</p>

<p>Feliz cumpleanos...</p>

<p>yea happy birthyday and all but november ppl are the best</p>

<p>i was born on the super bowl, you can guess where my dad was most of the day :)</p>