Happy Holidays!

<p>I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and that all faiths are enjoying this time of year. We are green today in upstate NY with no snow in the forecast. Last year, we had had over 70" by this day!</p>

<p>I'm hoping all of my EA acquaintenances receive the late present you really want - you know, that one that will come around February 1st :)</p>

<p>Best wishes to all.

<p>Merry Christmas! I may be atheist, but Christmas is still my favorite day of the year because it seems to be the one day that people feel obligated to treat each other kindly! If only every day could be like that… And we’re in the same situation here in Colorado… normally we’re up to 200 inches of snow by this time of year, but so far we’ve only had around 70 inches.</p>

<p>Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Diwali, Happy Kwanzaa, and a happy new year!</p>

<p>Thanks happy holidays to you too! Thanks for helping us all with our questions :)</p>

<p>Happy holidays to everyone here on the Miami forum and most especially rankin and zinc! You help everyone here so much all year long and it is much appreciated : )</p>

<p>Happy Christmahanakwanzika everyone!</p>