Happy & Sad!

<p>All packed up and headed back to Chicagoland. So happy that she’ll be home for 3 months, bud a little sad that this AMAZING year is over!!! Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>Definitely understand those feelings! My D is on her way home. She stayed an extra day to attend graduation and hang out with friends! So happy she had a “normal” ending to this year. Last year’s spring semester ended so abruptly and tragically! Enjoy your D being home and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Well then, Dad, what do you say we do it again in the Fall? RTR and thanks for all your great posts this year.</p>

<p>Whoa! Just hit a thousand posts. Isn’t that grand? :)</p>

<p>Just 75,000,000 more to catch Mom2ck, Malanai :-)</p>

<p>Congrats to your daughter, Dad. And to all the kids who just finished up another year at the greatest University in the world. Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>I’m on it, casino! Starbucks intravenous unit: check. Celebrex for the inevitable carpal tunnel syndrome: check. Tylenol extra strength: check. 'Bama mouse pad buffed and polished: check.</p>

<p>Bring it on. ;)</p>

I met your D when I was checking my S into his dorm in August.
Amazing young woman!
It feels like it was just yesterday.
Can you believe a whole school year has gone by??
My S lands at LAX at 4:00. Hooray!!!</p>

and I heard you bought my S dinner on your last visit.
My son eats like a horse, so I figure I owe you like, $100?
Roll Tide Dad2!</p>

<p>Roll Tide everybody. I just received a text from Dreamland and then they are on there way to see H’s family.</p>

<p>I am happy to hear the year went so well for all your kids. My S had a somewhat disappointing senior year in high school so I am hoping UA will be as good to him as it has been for your S and D’s. I hope to one day get the, “I’m happier than I’ve ever been” phone call.</p>

<p>I can totally see how you would be happy and sad. The same way I am looking forward to my son graduating and moving to Alabama. I need to be able to just get through this next month. It is absolutely crushing me that my S does not have a date to prom and therefore is not going. I am just waiting for this to be over.</p>

<p>^^Just sit back and count your blessings and go shopping for things he’ll need on campus with the money you’re saving on the prom…:)</p>

<p>My son returns Tuesday afternoon but turns around Saturday morning and starts his journey to American Samoa. He will be there for nine or 10 weeks before coming home for four days and then heading to Silver Spring, MD, the home of NOAA, to present his research. (I’m sure that he’ll see plenty of UA types in DC, as many are doing internships.)</p>

<p>Malanai, I told him to wave to you as he lands in Honolulu. He is hoping to jump on the bus (from what I remember many moons ago was pretty awesome) and see a bit of the city before returning to the airport and continuing with his trip to paradise.</p>

<p>He always tells me that jealousy is curable. Only if I can fit in his suitcase.</p>

<p>What day will he be in HNL? If it’s Saturday or Sunday I’ll be happy to pick him up at the airport and show him a good time.</p>

<p>Well, D and H are home. Boy is it ever good to see her (and my husband, of course).</p>

<p>Since my D was programming in the lab until nearly midnight on Friday, my H had to pack all of her things in her dorm room. Everything came home in large black plastic bags and her one houndstooth suitcase I bought her for her birthday. Not sure how she would have packed it all by herself. </p>

<p>She had a fantastic year and can’t wait to get back there in the fall.</p>

<p>Have a good summer, all y’all!!!</p>

<p>^^^^X-tra bonus points for “All Y’all”^^^^</p>



<p>There will be no waving, nor will there be any busses, momreads. I’ve gotten in touch with the lad directly and we’re going to tour Oahu in style on Sunday. Never forget that we’re the southernmost state and we too practice southern hospitality, aloha style. :slight_smile: BTW that goes for all y’all out there should you make it to Honolulu. (Do I get bonus points, TXArchitect?)</p>

<p>Can’t wait to meet your boy, momreads. Alas, my guy won’t be home from Alabama until May 20. Hopefully the two can hook up on your son’s return and do a little sailing and body surfing together.</p>


<p>So many exciting things ahead for our kids. Younger son is packing for Costa Rica. They take a bus to Atlanta and fly from there. I think MomofFour’s D is one of the student leaders (she’s a “veteran” from last year’s trip). </p>

<p>College was never this exciting when we went back in the ole days.</p>

<p>DD is headed today to the Dominican Republic with Bama to build a water filtration system and work in an orphanage until the 13th…she is so excited!!! What a great opportunity.</p>

<p>All Y’ll is, by definition, an inclusive term…and after having spent a year of my girlhood on the big island, I can easily see it in common use there. Don’t forget the tour of Ala Moana mall</p>

<p>Malanai, you are a true gentleman and a scholar. That’s awesome what you’re doing for momreads and her son. This world needs more people like you!! Roll Tide!!</p>