Happy Thanksgiving to All!

<p>Just a quick note to give thanks for some big and small things during these tough times that many of us are going through.</p>

<p>For those of us with students enrolled at boarding schools: the faculty and staff at their schools who are providing them with a great education; the donors and financial aid that has made it possible; the other parents who are sacrificing so that our children can be friends with their own.</p>

<p>Those are a few of the big ones....and one small one: the unlimited texting plan so we don't have to keep track of all the time during break that they stay in touch with their new friends. :)</p>

<p>May you all enjoy a great vacation with your children! And, for those of you who are not able to see them this vacation, the next vacation is almost here.</p>

<p>Thanks BklynGuy…</p>

<p>All the best to you and your family as well!</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving BrooklynGuy and other CC parents and families. It is nice having the kiddos home!</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgiving to all here on CC! I hope everyone is enjoying the break. I am making the first two of six pies and I’m looking forward to getting together with my siblings tomorrow. We’re happy to have our daughter home with us, but she is mostly happy to see her friends at home!</p>

<p>Happy Thanksgving to all. Enjoy the kids if they are home, but as I’ve been reminded by my son (multiplt times!) it’s only 2 1/2 weeks until Christmas break!</p>