Happy to answer Groton questions

placement tests are over the summer I think, that was a long time ago LOL

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Thank you so much for your reply! Really appreciate it!


Hi one1ofeach,

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer questions!!!

Can you please give me some advice for the student interview? Also for parents.

Does the school teach/reinforces study skills?

Do you feel your children were well prepared for exams? Provided with study guides, practice activities, had the opportunity to ask questions, set up for success in other words.

How do students handle pressure? Academic, social, etc?

What is your advice for a young lady who can get super nervous before exams? How would the school handle a situation like this? Do they address mental health wellness?


Also, worse case scenario here. In your experience; does Groton expel students for low academic performance? C grades? Or do they provide help.

Do students lose financial aid unless they keep a certain grade average?

I just keep hearing this school is super intense and I want to help my daughter relax a bit.

Thanks again!

In my son’s experience teachers are not providing study guides or practice questions. Those things need to be created by the student. There is very very little hand holding and students are expected to take the initiative themselves. Most teachers are incredibly responsive and available for extra help and questions almost any time. Being well prepared for exams is entirely dependant on the students study habits.

The pressure at Groton is entirely dependant on the academic level you wish to achieve. If you are happy with an 85-90 average and choosing slightly easier classes the pressure is much less. If your student is very high achieving and has a lot of anxiety I would not say Groton was the ideal school. There are counselors at the school who are available but I do not have experience with their level of help. If your child gets super nervous before exams I am really not sure how a school would be the one to help with that beyond regular counseling - again - this is not my area of knowledge.

Students definitely do not loose financial aid due to grades but there are rumors that kids have been asked to leave due to poor performance. I think those situations were kids who could not stand the academic pace at Groton and had mental health issues which forced them to go out on medical leave. Again, I am not an administrator at the school so I cannot tell what the grade threshold is. I would say that I highly doubt kids would get kicked out for having c’s.

The school is super intense. Is that what your daughter is looking for?


Thank you so much for your reply. We are looking for a place with high academics and supportive environment. She gets bored easily in a regular classroom. Are you familiar with any schools like that?

Although I have no relationship with Groton, I can make some suggestions regarding boarding schools with high academic standards in a less intense academic environment (but, I am not current regarding support systems or mental health counseling at any school).

Consider any of the all female boarding schools (such as Emma Willard and Miss Porter’s), co-ed options to consider should include Hotchkiss & St. Paul’s School.

I think you’ll find that at most BS, the classroom experience is very engaging and every student will be challenged – even at schools that are less selective. The classes are smaller.

You are not alone in starting your search by thinking your high-achieving student needs the most intense school to find peers, but if you just think about the math, there are more than enough very bright kids for all the schools to have plenty and to challenge them.

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