Hard ddddecision! Iub msu or upj

<p>hi im a chinese. so far i have been admitted to those three universitys ( UPJ __ upitts at johnstown)
my major is accounting
i would like to know which one is the best for me.
IUB's Kelly business school is great but i havent been direct admitted to it ,also the tution is higher.
upitts ranks higher but i faced the option program..</p>

<p>BTW Purdue waitlisted me . Should i expect a change?
Michigan state univ. too many chinese .maybe msu has caught finacial problem? they expend their number of chinese to four time these years ! freakly some of the chinese students who studying in the USA are just rich kids .they arent really serious about university study..er..no comments . i love having friends from my motherland around but i can tell that i wont get along with rich kids very well..</p>

<p>need help! thanks</p>