Is UM hard to get into? Here are my stats and tell me if I can get some finacial aid or scholarships. Their ACT does not require writing right? But should i still do writing?
ACT = 30
GPA, unweighted = 3.6 weighted = 3.9 (2 AP and some honors)
Service = Volunteer in hostipal and have 80 service hours
In chess club, service club, disc golf, no leadership

Will a killer essay get me in? Help!

SAT (old SAT) scores did not require writing. Last time I checked the ACT writing portion was not optional, though.

I got 11k a year with a 3.5 unweighted, 4.0 weighted, 33 ACT, killer essays and EC’s. You’d probably get something similar to me. Miami seems to give out their presidential scholarships (usually 17k+) to kids with at least 3.7 UW.

Miami requires ACT with writing