<p>I have the option of taking Honors math A over calc III, chem 1600 over chem 1400, and physics 1600 over physics 1400. Although all are intro level courses, some are more advanced, or accelerated. Is there any benefit to taking advanced classes? Will people who look at your resume for jobs, etc, take this into account? Will it make any difference in grad school admissions? And is your transcript (toughness of classes, etc.) or GPA more important in both grad school admissions and getting jobs?
Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>A high GPA is much more important than taking advance classes. A recruiter would not care about a 1600 vs a 1400 physics course but the impact on GPA even if measured in divisions of 0.1 would have be significant.</p>
<p>As far as grad school goes: no one cares about the classes that build up to your major classes. For example, if you’re mech e, then doing better in dynamics and thermo is much more important than taking a harder phys.</p>
<p>Maybe you could make the argument that taking a harder phys would better prepare you for those classes but I think you’d retract that statement after taking the class…</p>