I used to post on this messageboard, back during my freshman year.. (can't remember my account)</p>
<p>I posted something about still having a chance for a UC, not doing to well during Freshman year, failing a class, and I thought, ah, I'll just try harder sophmore year. Didn't happen.. Two F's so far, although I made them up in summer school w/ B's. I used to love band, and that was 2 free A's for me.. but the again, I ended up failing a class or two.</p>
<p>Now I'm in my middle of my JR.With the same GPA.. maybe even lower. I dropped my band classes, and here's what I'm taking now.</p>
<p>1.American Literature
2.Creative Writing
5.US History
8.French II</p>
<p>I thought dropping my band classes was going to help my grades out a lot.. and I don't really know if is. It's a mixture of B's, and C's.. maybe one A. I don't even want to mention my GPA, it could even be lower. I picked my two electives thinking Creative Writing would be easy, and Ecology, because sciences look good. They really aren't to easy.</p>
<p>So my question is, should I even be taking these hard extra classes?
I'm pretty sure I have no chance at a UC anymore. I'm asian if that makes a difference. I'm from California, and I really don't want to go to a CC.</p>
<p>Also, I've been studying through SAT books a lot, and also doing a bunch of Ecology community service/extra credit type stuff.. Should I even bother?</p>
<p>F's look really bad and so do minimal A's. Those classes aren't even considered "hard". The only chance u have is to bring up your grade a lot and do really well on the SAT. Also, u need to write good essays.</p>
Well that's the thing. To some, they don't even consider it "hard".. but I do. I could drop those extra classes, and from that, I'll probably have a higher GPA.</p>
<p>yeah, as much as we hate to admit it, the goal is the hard sounding easy class. take honors classes, they are ussually about as hard as a regulars class, but sound nicer i guess. i took a class phys of astronomy H, easiest and most fun class of my life (i did learn a lot though) talk to students and scope those classes out. no sense in taking hard classes that aren't worth more. sometimes i think that some of my honors classes are harder then my ap classes! my anatomy and physiology class is a pain in the *** but my ap phys, ap econ, and ap euro classes are easy by comparison. so yeah find easy classes that sound hard.</p>
<p>If you can pull your grades up now, it'll look really good - so do what you can to get the best grades possible.
Worst case scenario, go to an easy to get into college for a little while, do really well, transfer out.</p>
<p>If you want to go to a college that challenges you, you have to challenge yourself.</p>
<p>those courses don't seem particularly intellectually invigorating. If you're interest is in writing or literature, why not take AP English Literature instead of Creative Writing?</p>
<p>If your schools offer AP/Honors level courses, colleges are goingto wonder: why didn't this person make the most of the resources around her?</p>
<p>So, it's ACTUALLY best to get a high GPA in hard courses. </p>
<p>ANd it's easier said than done, but keep in mind that thousands of other students nationwide manage. </p>
<p>You are taking way too many classes! You are only expected to take 5 or at most 6 academic classes plus art or band. You are much better of taking fewer courses and doing better in them. Talk to your guidance counselor - I don't know if you can drop them mid-year, or perhaps change an elective like creative writing for a non-academic elective.
You sound motivated and you will go to some college. Not Harvard, but so what.</p>