Harder to get into UC from a high performing CA high school?

If I look at Naviance which has scattergrams for the specific HS, S3 is right on the borderline for most of the UCs 4.0W/1400. But if I look at Parchment he looks like he has much better odds. Is it the case that it’s more difficult to get into a UC from a high performing high school because they except the top X percent to get more of a mix? For example per Naviance - kids from our HS that had under 4.0W appeared to have almost no change of getting in 4 accepts out of many dozen data points. But if you were above 4.0W your odds appear quite good. In contrast in parchment.com applicants between 3.5 and 4.0 appeared to have a healthy mix of accept and deny. I was surprised at the what appears to be a “good school” penalty. But perhaps I’m mis-reading it?

Are they both using UC GPA?

That’s a really good question. In Naviance there’s only one data point at 4.5 with most peaked at 4.37. In parchment I see scores up to 5.0! So parchment appears to be more UC although I’m not clear of the precise formula they’re using.

I just saw another through where it looks like top 9% of the specific HS is a factor per UCB Alumnus:


UC GPA maxes out around 4.35 depending on number of classes taken so I am guessing neither uses it. Use the actual UC to see GPA admissions results for your school.

Self-reported weighted GPAs are generally unreliable, since weighting methods vary all over the place. Only recalculated weighted GPAs using the same method (e.g. GPAs recalculated by the UC weighted-capped method) can be reliably compared with each other.

So if the GPAs found on Parchment are weighted ones of unknown weighting method, they cannot be reliably compared.

Presumably, your high school’s Naviance uses the same weighted GPA calculation for all students. But it may not necessarily be the same as the UC weighted-capped GPA that is used in most UC reporting.

Which is why the UC site is the most reliable.

How can you tell “GPA admissions results for your school” at UC web site?

Irvine says “We consider an applicant’s achievements, potential, and uniqueness as a person.” - but that Naviance GPA cut-off looks pretty absolute are 4W.

https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter/admissions-source-school may have some of what you are looking for, under the “Frosh GPA” tabs.

https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter/freshman-admissions-summary can give you an idea of frosh admission rates by GPA for each campus (though they do not show differences by division or major).

Remember, use UC-recalculated weighted-capped to compare GPA with those on UC web sites. https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/ can help you recalculate.

That’s great. TY

Using https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter/admissions-source-school

I compared some of the yearly admitted GPAs at my kid’s HS compared to that of a bunch of other HSs for Berkeley. It looks pretty consistently low 4.2-ish across the board whether it’s a good or average HS. The average GPA for my kid’s HS was about .02-.04 lower than many other not as good HSs in the area, but I think that’s because the SAT/ACT score averages probably would have been a bit higher as compensation.