hardest AP tests

<p>I basically feel screwed... Next year I'm planning to take 5 Ap tests and need some general advice about which ones are the hardest, which take the most studying time, etc. The tests are for Calc, English language, English literature, Spanish language, and Bio. Any info will be appreciated.</p>

<p>Bio has A LOT of info.</p>

<p>i’d say AP bio…</p>

<p>well it depends if you know stuff
if you know it, its easy, if you don’t its hard
oh and I disagree about ap bio being hard (its the easier than other science aps excluding apes)</p>

<p>So bio looks like it will require tons of studying months in advance if I want a good score. Would anyone suggest those study books for any of the other Ap’s?</p>

<p>Calc’s a joke if you are decent at math. </p>

<p>Trust me.</p>

<p>Bio is not that bad. Spanish is a tough one imo.</p>

<p>All of them are easy, and all of them can also be difficult. It just depends on how much time you dedicate to it. Eng. Lang/Lit are probably the ones that require the least prep since the MC is a lot of comprehension ability. I’ve never taken Spanish. Calc is very easy if you know how to do the free response and are fairly proficient at it. I got a 4 on AP Bio with about 2 weeks of studying beforehand, but I think it can be learned entirely in one month.</p>

<p>Yea i know i can do well at each one individually
But when i put all 5 together it just seems so overwhelming! lol</p>

<p>Calc is really a joke if you’re decent at math. incredibly easy to get a five on the test.<br>
For AP Bio last year, I studied the three days prior to the test and got a 5. then again, i’m acutally interested by some of the stuff, so for bio do what you feel comfortable.</p>

<p>A language is gonna be tough. easily the most difficult unless you’re damn well fluent.
The english tests will be a breeze for you if you can write eloquently, and practically.</p>

<p>Ap chem destroyed me</p>

<p>i destroyed ap chem.</p>

<p>Bio + Spanish Lang look like the hardest.</p>

<p>The ones you are least interested in are the hardest.</p>

<p>I definitely agree with xSteven. I got a 5 on the Bio and USH AP test and I really didn’t have to study hard; I was just into the material.</p>

<p>Then thank God I like school lol</p>

<p>Bio is not hard at all</p>

<p>i just took a practice AP bio test today from CB with out any review (im not taking the AP class)
and i got 30 multiple choice wrong
and like only 23/36 points on the free response</p>

<p>and that calculates to a 5 on the AP test.</p>

<p>wow, you can get that much wrong and still get a 5? I need to look at the scoring then, that just doesn’t sound right if you can miss that many and still get a 5. How many Multiple Choice questions are there?</p>