<p>We all hear of some of the "infamously impossible courses" of each subject area. For example, in chemistry/pre-med it's organic chem, in physics it's Quantum Mechanics, in math it's Real Analysis (or some redonculously high level of Calc). I was wondering if anybody could enlighten me of the hardest classes at this school. For example, what is the hardest class/greatest challenge in a field such as Poly Sci, IR, Woodrow Wilson (for Princeton's case), Sociology, Econ, Psych, English? What Philosopher's works are considered the most difficult to read and comprehend? Classics (Latin, Greek, western civ/lit/philo)? Bio?</p>
<p>All I could really tell you as a Dartmouth first-year is that I've heard that taking Econ 1 results in some of the worst grades of any class. I think this has something to do with the class material seeming easy, followed by incredibly difficult tests. Beyond that, I'm not really sure...</p>