Hardest College to get in to

<p>my best friend got into curtis and turned it down for eastman</p>

<p>deep springs college</p>


<p>6% last year.</p>

<p>I still contend that any Community College is hardest.</p>

<p>admissions to IIT is solely based on the test i believe, so i think that most kids who do get into IIT will be extremely math-oriented with not much else, thus will have trouble getting into MIT. I still content that after the music schools, MIT is the hardest American university to get into because of its amazing applicant pool.</p>

<p>Stanford is up there...
some who got rejected from Stanford are now going to be attending Harvard and Princeton</p>

<p>Well...I don't think a school based soley on one test constitutes as being hard to get into. I mean, it's not like I would get in, but the Ivy's expect more than just high-scorers. It expects perfection in everything, not just math, or academics for that matter.</p>

Yeah, I wish more people knew about Deep Springs. It's awesome; essentially it is an intense and one-of-a-kind experience in the desert for two years. Most of their students then go on to transfer into HYP and similar schools. Very cool program.


For some reason I got a brochure from deep springs and it definitely sounded cool (although my parents, being asian, did not want me to go to some "no-name" college). I remember reading that all of the kids end up at the top schools (I think 4 out of 11~12 got into Harvard).. </p>

<p>It would be an awesome experience for two years :/.. plus its free!</p>

<p>GoNavyXC knows abosulutely nothing, go navy! haha dork.</p>

<p>and just because a college admits a low percentage of the people who apply doesnt make it the hardest to get into, thats stupid logic. do i need to compare UIUC and UIC?</p>

<p>harvey mudd is very selective. the weird part is that it accepts something like 36% of its applicants. why they can do that is because harvey mudd is a small school and only people who are really serious about math/science/engineering will apply or have heard of it.</p>

<p>in terms of tests scores and such: yes, it is one of the most selective in the US. various sources say that the mean SAT is 1470-1506 /1600. i know for a fact that the median SAT (from mudd's annual report) is 1470 this last year.</p>

<p>27% of mudd students were national merit scholars. 25% were valedictorians in hs. average hs GPA was 4.0. <a href="http://education.yahoo.com/college/facts/6575.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://education.yahoo.com/college/facts/6575.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>in addition, this year hmc has moved up to the #1 selectivity ranking among the LACs.</p>

<p>weird fact: you statistically have a pretty darn good shot of getting in because of the numbers game.</p>

<p>The film programs at AFI and UCLA have to be close to the top. NYU and USC are difficult, too; probably close to MIT or Harvard, but even those aren't the absolute hardest!</p>

<p>uhm Deep Springs</p>



<p>I didn't.. :(</p>

<p>how many ppl are gonna say deep springs lol</p>

<li>Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, Massachusetts)</li>
<li>Yale University (New Haven, Connecticut)</li>
<li>Princeton University (Princeton, New Jersey)</li>
<li>Harvard College (Cambridge, Massachusetts)</li>
<li>Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering (Needham, Massachusetts)</li>
<li>California Institue of Technology (Pasadena, California)</li>
<li>Columbia University (New York, New York)</li>
<li>University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)</li>
<li>Stanford University (Stanford, California)</li>
<li>Brown University (Providence, Rhode Island)</li>

<p>Based on MSN Encarta.</p>

<p>I was thinking Deep Springs College as well.</p>

<p>For the LACs, Amherst and Williams are the hardest to get in. The rates fluctuate but A's is about 19% and W's around 21%.</p>

<p>Deep Springs, Yale, Curtis are the three that come to mind.</p>

<p>What about Cooper Union and the Webb Institute? Don't they give full-rides to all students?</p>

<p>Definitely IIT(Indian Institute of Technology). 300,000 students compete for 3000 places in the university. Its madness!</p>