<p>Hardest/Easiest for you or at least your school?</p>
<p>My school its either AP euro, calc bc, physics, or chem.
Easiest is AP human or envo.</p>
<p>Hardest/Easiest for you or at least your school?</p>
<p>My school its either AP euro, calc bc, physics, or chem.
Easiest is AP human or envo.</p>
<p>I’m only taking 2 but:
easiest: AP Environmental, AP euro, AP Human,AP Music theory
hardest: AP Chem (theres only 11 people in a school of 1500 in the class including me plus i’m the only soph so they think i’m a genuis but it’s not that hard)
AP world, AP us, AP physics, AP calc</p>
<p>Hardest - AP World.
Easiest - APES.</p>
<p>Easiest: Enviro
Hardest: Physics</p>
<p>Easiest - Spanish Language
Hardest - Music Theory (I don’t have the slightest idea on Music Theory xD)</p>
<p>wow I thought it was only at my school that APES was a joke, seems to be “easy” nation wide.</p>
<p>AP US history is not the hardest, but it is THE MOST time consuming.
AP Stastics is a breeze
AP Lit should be easy but the teacher is terrible and hard</p>
<p>Easiest: Euro (but a lot of people don’t pass the AP test)
Hardest: USH or Physics</p>
<p>I think it all depends on the teacher
At my school easiest is US History and hardest has to be Bio or Physics</p>
<p>Easiest: Calculus AB</p>
<p>Hardest: U.S. History</p>
<p>I can only speak from the ones I’ve taken…</p>
-CHEMISTRY. Seriously regret taking this class instead of Environmental. My damn overachieving self…
-Calc AB (BC is easier because it’s just a review of AB. Calc is harder the first time around)</p>
-Stats. The curriculum is simple, and we had a really laid back teacher, so this was an awesome class.
-Psychology. So far, it’s a complete breeze. Just a lot of busywork/worksheets.</p>
<p>How in the world is AP Spanish easiest, it’s kicking my tail right now</p>
<p>ajwchin: Well, I’m Hispanic, so… :P</p>
<p>im surprised people are saying euro is easy, at my school its the hardest, maybe thats because its a sophomore class</p>
<p>^it’s sophomore at my school too and it’s unbelievably hard (I’m takin other aps too so I can compare) but I’ve heard from upperclassmen that euro is the hardest</p>
<p>I’m a sophomore in my school, and I’m taking AP US, and it’s sooooo time consuming. IDK about other AP’s because I’m taking them next year</p>
<p>Hardest: AP Physics for sure, there were no A’s ever until this semester…(In a school of about 1800 people we had to beg people to take it to make the minimum requirement of 18)</p>
<p>Easiest: AP Stats…complete joke after Calc BC…</p>
<p>“Calc AB (BC is easier because it’s just a review of AB. Calc is harder the first time around)”</p>
<p>You take both at your school? At ours you either take one or the other. I took BC without AB… It’s the same material, just faster paced and with some extra stuff tacked on the end. Why take both?</p>
<p>Hardest: AP Physics/Chem are supposed to be pretty hard. And AP Lit is also SUPPOSED to be a horrible class, but it’s actually not that bad. It’s just that the teacher is awful. AP Spanish Lang for people who don’t actually speak Spanish. AP US.</p>
<p>Easiest: APES… AP Psych. Both are kind of joke APs.</p>
<p>^ Yeah same here. You take either AB or BC. I’m in BC and we’re just finishing AB material, going to start BC stuff in January.</p>