Hardest/Enjoyable topic you've had to write on

<p>What is the hardest topic you've had to write on and how long was the paper? Was the paper for a required class? I ask this because I am now in the mist of writing papers and studying for midterms. It's that time of the semester for most of us.</p>

<p>I'll go first. While I can't say for certain, but this one paper I've had to write for my Reformation Texts class. It's on two writings from Martin Luther and Cardinal Cajetan. It is driving me nuts. It's only 5 pages double spaced that is required. And at the moment I have written out all my ideas and finished the paper. However much like I feared it's only 4 pages max and I want to at least get into that 5th page. I'm going to have to dig deeper and find some other unique connection between the two texts before I hand this in tomorrow in order to extend the pages on this paper.</p>

<p>This paper may not have been the hardest I've had to write, but I bet it's maybe up there and it's been the most tedious because I hate the subject. I haven't felt this way writing a paper since I had to write one for my Western Enlightenment class freshman year.</p>

<p>Last weekend I had to write a paper on project management and I had to look into a project. It was 10 pages recommended but I went to 13 since I enjoyed it so much. It was very enjoyable just doing the research and learning about the project I picked. It was very annoying rephrasing so much of what I researched though. It felt like I was plagiarizing but I made sure to cite all the sources and thoughts that weren't mine</p>

<p>There was one paper I had to write for a Philosophy class once on Descarte. I forget now what exactly the topic was because it was well over a year ago, but I do remember discussing The Matrix and one episode in House M.D. in which he is shot and jumps back and forth between reality (his imagination) and his imagination (his imagination's imagination).</p>

<p>For me it was probably a philosophy paper on animal being/anthropomorphism (I'm a science major). I did end up loving it though, i think it was 12 pages.</p>