Which school has a Harkness table in math besides Exeter?
Schools may have a harkness table in their math classroom but it doesn’t make it harkness math
Exeter math is a whole different beast. There are no text books, so unless a school is using problem sets and/or Exeter curriculum, it really isn’t the same. If you haven’t seen it in action, it really is interesting to watch. However, if you need to be explicitly taught how to do math, it is HARD. A local charter school uses Exeter math and the kids hate it and are so excited to become seniors and switch back to “standard” math teaching. But some of that may be in the delivery.
My kiddo finds it challenging but also enjoys it, especially for calc.
Thanks for your reply. My daughter is not that much good in math. She wont like harkness table math. So I am searching good schools with traditional math classes.
Truly, Harkness at the math table is that “different beast” @mamaof3boys spoke of.
I do want to share with you that classmates of my daughter who had less of an affinity for math overall took about two weeks to warm to the idea that this different approach to math allowed them develop a new perspective on wrangling with the subject - opening the door to new and different (more congenial, expansive) relationships to their peers. So…Harkness.
Agree. Harkness math can be transformative for the student who thinks they’re not good at math.
The Masters School uses Harkness in all subjects.
On the flip side- it also can be an awful experience for the wrong type student. Having had one of those kids who left PEA, I can say that it sometimes does not work.
Cate has implemented Exeter math for its honors track just in the past couple of years. I agree with the above, but also that different teachers approach it differently even within the method -just like in more traditional classes. Some kids click better with one teacher vs another. Kiddo had his transformative experience last year. This year not so much - but other kids seem to be thriving.
Lawrenceville has Harkness for math. During Winter Gathering, they invite parents to sit in on their kids class. So, I got to observe one of my son’s math classes. It was interesting to watch the teacher give a socratic style lesson for math concepts. Was more discussion, and a lot less lecture. Some kids like it, others don’t
Here is a sample from last year.