Harpur Binghamton vs Smeal College Penn State Pleazzzz

<p>I got accepted by Binghamton's Harpur College fast track MBA program which means I'll study at Harpur for four years then at School of Management for the last year. I also got into the Smeal College of Business undergraduate program on University Park campus Penn State University. Which one has the better value or which one is just simply better than another? I'm an international student. I apologize if there is any grammar mistakes or awkward wording. I'm also on the waitlist of Washington University in St. Louis and Boston College. Any advice? Please throw in opinions and ideas, I really need some help here. Oh, sorry I want to major in business management. Thank you</p>

<p>Frankly, the Penn State name is national, Binghamton isn’t. I used to live in Minnesota. Every company knows about Penn State. Nobody knew of any SUNY schools. </p>

<p>Binghamton is a good school but the rep is regional, it’s mid-Altantic. Penn State’s rep is national.</p>

<p>Personally, I think that Binghamton and Penn State are about the same level academically, but Penn State has more of a reputation.</p>

<p>If money is not an issue, I would choose in this order…</p>

<p>1) Washington University
2) Boston College
3) Penn State
4) Binghamton</p>

<p>Washington and Boston will be most challenging academically. Penn State is known throughout America (mostly because of sports but has some really good academic programs). Binghamton is the least expensive by far and not without good reason. Academically it is the least challenging. Binghamton has gained stature because alot of smart students with no money pick Binghamton - especially in this economy.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>i got into both kelley and smeal. which would you consider to be better if i want to major in finance.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of you. Do any of you know the chance to be taken off from Boston College’s waitlist? Is Binghamton’s Fast track MBA program which I got into good? If I put stony brook into one of the choices where would stony be? I haven’t got any response from sb yet, but I’m guessing there’s a big chance that I got in.</p>

<p>frutishanckszhang: You’re fighting everybody’s advice. Take it at face value. If the choice is Penn State or Binghamton, take Penn State and don’t look back. The only place Binghamton might be more highly regarded is in upstate New York. If you’re out west you want Penn State on your resume. If you’re in the south, you want Penn State on your resume. If you’re in the midwest, you want Penn State on your resume (versus Binghamton). Reputation is a door opener. Moreover, there is no school in the country, not even Harvard, that has an alumni network like Penn State.</p>