Harvard Admissions Fall 2022

Thank you !

No one can predict how things will go for any individual, but your daughter’s strong academic qualifications will very likely merit careful consideration in the first admissions read. Beyond that, it is impossible to say.

A single publication in a
if I have this correctly
a journal or journal issue for high school students, even with top grades and test scores, is unlikely to place an applicant into an Academic 1 rating, which about only about 0.4% of all applicants to Harvard manage to get. Even among Academic 1s, only 2 out of 3 are admitted.

But, along with exceptional grades and test scores, high school research helps to cement a solid Academic 2 rating as long as teacher recommendations offer confirming information. In recent history, Academic 2s compose approximately 40% of those who apply and is the typical rating category of those admitted (which is suggestive but not predictive of what will be the case this year)
but it is also the most common rating of those waitlisted or rejected.

Good luck!

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thank you for such a detailed post ! the chances are very slim I am aware . ))
thank you again for taking time.

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No interview email yet, bayarea, CA. So far we heard just one kid in D’s school got her Harvard interview. Not sure how this is going to work.

Update: D22 just got her interview info. Big Relief.

From southern Ohio. Got an interview request last week via phone. One of two applying from high school that received an interview.

My daughter got interviewed the first week of January
We are in California

Hi have any international students received an interview invite?

Does anybody have any stats on the number of deferred applicants from early action that gets accepted during RD?

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Nope. Not public info.

Harvard writes in their FAQ: “It is impossible to predict individual admission decisions. Past students whose applications were deferred have been admitted at various rates, often approximating the rate for Regular Decision candidates. Over the next few months, your application will be reviewed again, supplying another opportunity for eventual admission.”

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Can’t find information for Harvard, but here is statistics for MIT Class of 2025. Not sure if H would have similar rate.

Early Action applicants 15,081
Early Action admits 719
Deferred to Regular Action 10,673
Deferred applicants admitted during Regular Action 194

I doubt it. MIT is known to defer the vast majority of their EA applicants. I don’t believe that’s the case at Harvard (they do defer quite a bit but I don’t think it’s anywhere close to MIT’s rate)

When should LOCI be sent to Harvard?

No, the EA statistics for MIT are not at all similar to the known recent REA statistics for Harvard. Moreover, MIT is far more transparent about its admissions statistics.

Applicant population profiles are also very different.

Conventional wisdom is to send it as soon as possible after receiving your deferral notice (so December) unless you were/are waiting for a specific major result (e.g., being named one of the Regeneron STS scholars, perhaps publication in an academic journal, etc.) that you think would markedly improve the overall strength of your case.

Harvard will assume that all deferred candidates will still really want to attend, so it is implausible that stating so in a LOCI adds much to the quality or attractiveness of an applicant’s case. But, a LOCI is a low-effort exercise and one might as well send it in.

Good luck!

West Coast applicant in a large city. If I haven’t gotten an interview should I assume it’s too late?

You should assume no such thing


Last year my daughter didn’t get an interview until early/mid Feb. She was accepted in RD and attending now. Be patient.


With all due respect, I don’t agree with the first part of your post about sending a LOCI in December and it probably made people panic. Acceptances and deferrals went out late on December 16th. Winter recess began the next day. Nobody would be there to read any LOCI that arrived the next week and honestly, even if they were, they wouldn’t want to read a letter on December 23rd saying, “please accept me”, because they would be thinking what changed since we made our decision 5 days ago. I think the earliest that makes sense would be after the new term begins, and most things I have seen have indicated mid-January is a good target. However, they also agree that the right time is if and when you have something new and meaningful to report. So, if on January 14th when their new session started, you had something new and meaningful to report send it then. If you don’t have anything new and meaningful to report but want to send a general LOCI anyway, you could probably have sent it then as well. But if you are expecting the results of something significant in mid-January or late January or even early February, it would make sense to wait for those results to send your LOCI. (edit: you wouldn’t want to send the first week of January because that is when the RD applications are coming in and the offices for all colleges are busy processing RD applications)


Your advice is completely reasonable.

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