Harvard Admissions Login/Page/Account?

<p>I've heard people talking about viewing their app status in their accounts. Is there a separate harvard account, or is it just the common app page? Because I haven't really gotten any emails or anything after the payment confirmation...</p>

<p>I found that they send you the code 2-3 weeks later. However, I submitted all of my application on Nov 1 via the common app, and it says my application was sent on Nov 2 in the common app (and harvard downloaded it on Nov 3). Will they still count me as EA? And how can I update my scores since I don't have access to my profile? Would an email do?</p>

<p>You go to
<a href="https://admweb.fas.harvard.edu/ha/submit?module=applicant&usecase=applicantCheckStatus%5B/url%5D"&gt;https://admweb.fas.harvard.edu/ha/submit?module=applicant&usecase=applicantCheckStatus&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You should have received a PIN number via email. If not, I guess you should call them.</p>

<p>If you email the address on that page with the word PIN in the subject and your name in the body, they will send you the PIN number which you need to check your ap status</p>

<p>saro the exact same thing happened to me and my status said regular. you need to get your counselor to call Harvard TOMORROW to get things squared away</p>

<p>thanks guys. strange thing, today i got my email and it said early. weird stuff, guess it worked out. btw, i already got my pin using the method whylion said :).</p>