Harvard Admits 895 in EA

<p>Early admit rate: 18.4%.</p>

<p>895</a> admitted through Early Action | Harvard Gazette</p>

<p>“In addition to the 895 admitted students, 3,196 applicants were deferred and will be considered in the regular action process, 651 were denied, 12 withdrew, and 96 submitted incomplete applications.”</p>

<p>3,196 deferrals seems excessive. Surely they should have an idea of what the regular decision pool will be like.</p>

<p>With 90% yield in EA, Harvard filled 895*90%=806, or 806/1641 = 49% of the class of 2017 through EA.</p>

<p>I guess they don’t want to toss anybody out, just in case. Though it seems rather cruel to dangle the possibility of admission over 3k kids for another 4 months. I agree with runnerxc—they could have just kept 1k people and that would cover the whole other half of the class of 2017.</p>

<p>RunnerXC, you have made so many positive contributions to the Harvard SCEA pages, thank you! Maybe they are keeping so many deferred candidates because they truly are qualified (like you), they want them to know they are, and/or because they don’t know whether the class will need a clarinetist or a clogger when they make final decisions in March.</p>