<p>My school offers the full IB diploma and about 11 or 12 AP courses. The catch is is that these can't be taken until junior year...the most important year!!!! Anyways, i read somewhere that its good to have at least 3 APs with a score of 4 or 5. Plus, when i visited Harvard, they said to take the most rigorous course possible. My situation is that I took 2 out of the 3 APs i was eligible to take junior year and am doing IB certificates, not the full diploma because it dictates what electives you take. My question is: Does all this hurt my chances??</p>
<p>doesnt anyone know??? advice needed!!!</p>
<p>yea, sorry to tell it to you the hard way.</p>
<p>Think about it, Harvard itself is hard to get in... plus if you don't take the technically HARDEST courses possible, well you're out of luck.</p>
<p>There are millions of other students out there that are taking the hardest courses possible and forgeting about those retarded electives.</p>
<p>sorry man.........</p>
<p>i definitely need a second opinion. anyone wanna offer one??</p>
<p>absolutely no chance. just like j.shi said, think about all the other applicants. for example, myself - i've already taken six ap courses by junior year and taking four more this year - all 5's so far.</p>
<p>you could always take a chance though.....</p>
<p>PSYCH XD</p>
am doing IB certificates, not the full diploma because it dictates what electives you take.
<p>and this does what for you? The electives add more than the full diploma would? I don't understand that part of your plan.</p>
<p>the electives I want to take, in order to get the most out of my high school career, would not fit into my scheldule if I did the IB full diploma. I tried to still take advantage of the IB program at our school by taking not only APs but IB as well. Also, my high school doesn't offer APs or IB before junior year. The only APs i was eligible for was 3 and I took two of them. Does that make more sense?</p>
<p>And by the way, the electives i chose to take were computer science I and II, courses that are not "retarded" but appealing to colleges like the ivies considering I'm a girl, not a man.</p>
<p>any other takers??</p>
<p>Is that computer science elective weighted(honors)?if it is u can self-study for the AP CS A/AB test.
I understand why u did not want to do full IB, in my school the full IB students make up less than 10% of the 11&12th graders.
Anyways, ur chances are only hurt if u get a lot of B's or C's in those classes. Sure Harvard would be dissapointed that u didnt choose to pursue the IB Diploma. But certificate is good too</p>
<p>thank you Ozzyb! I have 99's and 100's in every subject, including ap,ib, comp sci, so i hope that they will look fondly upon that fact. </p>
<p>You have to admit that Harvard isn't worth a look if they're going to turn down kids b/c they didn't one AP and are at a disadvantage b/c of their high school's course selection.</p>