Harvard Class of 2021 Waitlisted Discussion

We also have to consider the Gap-year and Z-listed students from last year. That’s probably not included in the data but this population will take up some space in this year’s class. Maybe that’s why the committee is considering whether or not to use the waitlist.

Uh @Giblinist Harvard does not ask for a deposit when committing, first payments are due in August

It’s official: 84% yield (Harvard Gazette). Highest since the 60’s. No announcement about the waitlist, however

I guess the Reddit post was right.

The article didn’t mention waitlist at all. I’m wondering if anyone has called in and asked.

Just called and asked. They’ll know by the end of the week.

Let’s be honest. They already know that the waitlist will not be used. It’s time to emotionally divest.

since they went over the expected number, they probably know that they won’t accept anyone from the WL though

@viwiel I’m aware- that was the premise of my joke. I apologize for the confusion.

Hi. I have a silly question. If they over enrolled and have to find more beds for the extra students - is it possible that the building they use might end up accommodating, for example purposes, more than the over enrolled, so they let in a few from the wait list? Not sure if this makes sense - but where do these “extra” students get housed? And might it open up more room altogether?

I feel like we’re just grasping at straws at this point. I’m assuming that they may accept a few for the z-list, but otherwise it’s over.

If they are overenrolled by about 50, they need to figure out where to house those 50. Some will shake out over the summer as students decide to take a gap year or for whatever reason decide not to enroll. When push comes to shove, doubles will have to be converted to triples and/or lounges will have to be used as sleeping areas and/or nearby rental properties will be used. As these are a last resorts and far from ideal, you should assume that they are not going to make this more difficult on themselves by taking additional students of the waitlist.


Well, unless Yale decides to use its wait list, it looks like I’ll be heading to Columbia. So it goes.

Dartmouth 2021 for me, then… Go Big Green!

I just called in as well. They said that it is “unlikely that they will take anyone from the wait list this year.”

What does that mean for this thing called z list? Do you request? or would you get a call or email this week? Just curious. Not expecting. Thank you

Well that was over faster than I expected :frowning:

I wonder about the z-list as well. Does anyone know if “not admitting any students for August” means that they will still be looking to admit through the z-list for the class of 2022?

What a disappointment. I knew chances were small at being accepted off the waitlist, but it is extremely frustrating to know that we made it into the top 5%-6% (around 3% accepted, probably another 2-3% waitlisted) of applicants in Harvard’s hyper competitive regular decision pool only to be told that admissions screwed up and that they don’t have the room for any of those waitlisted. Why do they have a waitlist if they are playing with the margins so tightly? They knew their yield is going to be around 80% and they leave only a extra handful of spots in their class size for error. And now they have to scram to make more room while we all have our small hopes shattered.

They need to start admitting less students so their waitlist is used more, allowing them to control enrollment more precisely. Otherwise, they are going to have years with an entire waitlist of unhappy high school seniors who never get any sort of closure with Harvard.