Harvard Class of 2021 Waitlisted Discussion

^ valid question

Other than calling Harvard’s Admissions Office and pestering them for specific details about whether your update letter has been received (and read), you just have to assume that it HAS been received and it WILL be read when they revisit waitlisted applicant files. In other words, you have to place your trust and faith in technology – and then let it go!

Has anyone heard anything yet?

@ILoveStanford No one will hear anything until May 1st at the very earliest.

Does anyone know if Harvard calls guidance counselors to check Quarter 3 Grades?

@ILoveStanford dear god i hope not

anyone know when they tell us if they will indeed be accepting any students off the waitlist, or if their class is full?

@GoFalcons99 I called last week and was told that they should know how many will be accepted from the waitlist by May 3rd at the latest.

Apparently some people have already been getting phone calls about their acceptances off of the waitlist…

@ILoveStanford how do you know?

A friend (who is also waitlisted) told me she has a friend who was called three weeks ago. He didn’t accept it though, as he is going to Stanford.

Sounds like someone is pulling your leg, @ILoveStanford.

I don’t understand why someone would lie about that? After all, she was also waitlisted.

I do want decisions to come out soon, though!!!

Looking at last years thread people started getting in around may 11. The year before may 15. Guess we have between 1 and 2 weeks of a wait?

I’m curious. Do they contact people off the waitlist by phone, or by email, or both?

And do you have to say Yes on the spot or forfeit it, or can someone think for a day or two before accepting? I suspect that some students have gone to great efforts to “fall in love” with their second choice. They may need to take a day or two to work out their feelings and pull the trigger on an offer from Harvard that they no longer thought was a reasonable possibility and had emotionally put behind them.

From what I have heard they contact through both phone and email, and I think you get a week to respond.

Any news on how many people they’ll be accepting off the wait list?

@ThankYouforHelp: In years past, Admissions has called waitlisted students **after 3pm YOUR local time/b, as AO’s are trying to gauge your serious interest in attending, as many families will lose a deposit – sometimes in the neighborhood of $1500 to $5000 – they put down on their current school. That’s a considerable sum of money many families can’t afford to lose. Admissions generally gives students about 5-7 days to make a decision.

Can anyone guess if Harvard would waitlist people as a “kind rejection” and doesn’t plan on actually reconsidering their applications when the time comes? I feel like the only reason they waitlisted me is because I am the valedictorian and someone else in my grade got recruited as an athlete.