Harvard Class of 2023 Waitlisted Discussion

Is there any reason everyone seems to believe that calls will begin today?

I know it was controversial topic but just wanted to throw it out there!

The problem is that you could use that logic for any school. You asked why students who had been accepted to Ivies don’t drop off the list but someone else could ask the same question about whatever school your daughter got in to. For any school who uses waitlist, there are plenty of people who are qualified to go there who didn’t get in and could feel the same way you do about Ivies. It’s a brutal process.

My son is on the WL also and it would be awesome to get in but it seems awfully unlikely.
Good luck to everyone but relish your time at whatever school you go to.

Hey guys! I’m pretty new I just needed some advice. A senior admissions Officer from Harvard called me last Wednesday for a second interview because the dean thought it would be more “helpful”. I’ve already had an alumni interview. I met with her Saturday and it went well. She said they had 40 spots. Has anyone heard of having a second interview off the waitlist? She’d said she’d keep in touch. I’m freaking out because I just need some closure ?

@majo3181 last year, there was a student on here that mentioned they got a request for a second interview and ended up getting accepted. Things look very good for you tbh!

@HonorIsKey oh really? That’s interesting thank you so much! It’s been stressing my family out because they reached out and the interview went well and now there’s more waiting. From what the senior admissions counselor told me, they notify people in waves because they’ve been having waitlisted meetings

@majo3181 did they give any idea of when they’ll begin telling people?

When I met with her, she was very vague but she said that individual people will be notified as soon as a decision was made on them. So for my case, she couldn’t even give me a date as she said it could be as much as within the next two weeks. Hopefully it’s sooner! So stressful ?

Thanks @10sdad2. I agree with your argument but we are comparing apples and oranges. Getting into in-state school vs. getting into IVYs (with less than 10% acceptance rate!). If someone is fortunate enough to get into one of those IVYs, then they go there! Let alone for some with so many good IVYs already accepted but are still waiting for this one!

Anyway, I would end this conversation here. Good luck to everyone who are deserving to get off this WL.

So, has anyone received word about their status on the waitlist? Has anyone on Reddit or another platform say anything like if they were accepted or rejected? Thanks!

@majo3181 You mentioned your parents reaching out, so does that mean you are a legacy applicant?

@David5700044 it doesn’t seem like anyone has heard back yet-- at least not on reddit.

@David5700044 No I’m not a legacy. I meant that Harvard reached out for a second interview, and my parents were just stressed. Sorry for the confusion ?

Man, this is stressful. Hopefully someone will write when they first hear.

That looks really good majo! Do most people accepted from the waitlist usually get second interviews? I didn’t get one but the holes in my app were moreso grades/absences that I tried to improve third quarter.

@module195 thank you! I’m not sure I was wondering the same thing! I’m in MA so I’m not sure if that had something to do with it because it was a senior admissions Officer from harvard

Correct me if I am wrong, but for those who have been accepted to an Ivy, why should they not remain on the Harvard waitlist if they would consider going to Harvard if accepted?

@minniemouse143 Of course, people who would consider going to Harvard should stay on the waitlist, regardless of what other schools they got accepted to.

However right or wrong, the previous commenters have expressed an idea of spreading the wealth-- acceptance to a top tier university-- by giving higher odds of acceptance to those that committed to state schools. Though a little misguided, it’s kind of admirable. ?‍♂️

@HonorIsKey I have to agree with you. It would very admirable, though unlikely. Can’t blame anyone for wanting to see if they can get into Harvard. Spreading the wealth sounds great in theory, I just don’t think many practice.

Ummm lol…NO. This isn’t a team sport.