Harvard Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Harvard portal is different than anyone else.

Unfairness exists everywhere every day in the world. Perfect fairness cannot exist.


As I have said before on this site: To quote Faye Dunaway in Mommie Dearest: “Ah, but nobody ever said life was fair, Tina.”


I hope this quote from the American cartoonist, Bill Watterson, will help–“I know the world isn’t fair, but why isn’t it ever unfair in my favor?”



Can applicants submit an extra letter of recommendation that’s not from a teacher? I’m a junior this year.


You can, but you have to think if it will help you. If it is from a research mentor of a publication you authored/co-authored or a community leader who worked with you on a project you led, probably helps. If it is a generic letter from your dad’s friend who happens to be a Senator, not so much. An AO has limited time and attention in going through your app. Anything extra better be impactful because it will take time and attention away from other parts of your app.


general question: when is it too late to send application updates? is it too late now - do it if we think it’s worth it? thanks!

As long as it is substantive, no down side in sending an update. It may be irrelevant, but it won’t turn a “yes” into a “no”.

Or a “no” into a “yes.”

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If you annoyed the AO, you may turn a “maybe” into a “no” though.


That’s why it should be substantive.

Good to know.

Does anyone have an estimate % of international students who were accepted after receiving both alum and AO interviews? ik that for domestics it’s around 50%, but does anyone have any idea about internationals from South Asia or internationals in general?

AO interviews? How does one get that opportunity? How frequent are they?


10 hours nobody talked. It was so strange/quiet.

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Can international students get accapted without interview?

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where can i see my financial aid checklist? there is no FA checklist on my portal?

I think they do not have such a thing, which was why I said Harvard portal is different than anyone else.