Harvard Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

at the end of the day, the way someone chooses to share an acceptance is their choice and it isn’t flexing just because it bothers you. if someone’s goal since middle school has been to get into an ivy league and they finally do, do you realistically expect them to just be low-key about it out of respect for the people who got rejected? no, they’re going to post about it and have their parents post too because its time for celebrations. come on, be logical


NAh im not talking abt my expectations for ppl - ik that ppl r still gonna post its not like my post will change many ppls minds
im just talking about a change that i would like to see and people can reflect on my wish as they please and choose whehter or not they agree / whether or not to follow it

That sounds accurate. I totally agree I think they are just excited because they worked so hard to get this far!

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i think at the end of the day we all have been victims of the stress of college admissions at some point (if not rn) and i think given that experience, we would all want to not contribute to that stress for others


“if they were any other student they wouldn’t be given a second look” tells me there is some envy in that statement, which is probably where your opinion of it being braggy/flexing stems from. disregarding someone’s accomplishments because of whatever advantages/disadvantages you may think they have is never ok, just be happy for them or simply go about your day

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Soo what’s your fave flavour of gelato


This is totally fine. I’m happy for people who are genuinely posting b/c they are happy. What I said really only applies to a fraction of accepted students that refuse to acknowledge their privilege.




have you ever tried coconut lemon :roll_eyes: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: heavennnn

Does it mean anything if I can’t withdraw

Isn’t it true, though? Rich legacy kids have an advantage, it’s a fact. I’ve seen these kids get their essays written for them by personal coaches and fabricate ECs. I’ve been in this WASP environment for all my life and everyone knows it’s true.

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I congratulate people on their acceptances. I’ve been accepted into Stanford so I really don’t have any bitterness over acceptances. If you refuse to acknowledge the fact that there are ignorant people who aren’t mature enough to acknowledge their privilege I don’t know what to tell you.


Might I remind members of the forum rules: “Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place, and one in which members can post without their motives, intelligence, or other personal characteristics being questioned by others."

The conversation is getting a bit salty; please be mindful and support one another instead of throwing shade.



we must be from different backgrounds. i personally dont know any “rich legacy kids” who are getting essays written from them, so the college application environment that your opinions stem from must be vastly different from mine. i go to a public school where almost everyone is low income, we all helped each other read/revise essays and i recently got into mit while my close friend got into yale. we celebrate one another rather than tearing each other down and crediting our success to “privilege” or other things that may belittle our accomplishments.


My comments don’t apply to you and your friend. Congratulations on MIT and your friend on Yale!

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my friend who got into yale has a relative currently attending, im sure thats some form of legacy. yet i’m not here saying she wouldn’t have gotten a second look if it wasn’t for her sister. just food for thought

even though you personally don’t know them doesn’t mean they don’t exist. i congratulate everyone-- all i was saying that it is nice just to be wary of your privilege (getting accepted to a school). some of the people i know can’t afford to go to college or for other circumstances can’t attend college and have to start working. i’m sorry if i sounded rude (i’m really not trying to be), but i’m just saying to be just a bit more cognizant of your audience. if i know that the person i am talking to didn’t get into that college (or can’t attend), I’m not going to send them a screenshot of my acceptance letter and post it on all of my socials. just trying to be a nice human being and sharing your happiness in a cognizant manner. that’s all.

again, sorry if i sounded rude— wasn’t trying to be. i’m just trying to let people know that their happiness may be seen in a different light by other people.

i agree you should share your accomplishments and be proud of them! don’t paint out what i said where i’m ‘simply not happy’ for others, that’s not true at all. but, there comes a point where it quite literally becomes throwing it in your face. that i don’t agree with, but to each their own.

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obviously you wouldn’t send it directly to someone? the topic was posting it, which isn’t being braggy or “not recognizing your privilege” at all, its just sharing an accomplishment. sorry that we cant see eye to eye on the matter, respectfully.

ok guys building off what the mod said we should just spread some positivity rn cause i feel like everyone needs it especially now, so let’s just drop this!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

ok why do the emojis look so passive aggressive, they def aren’t meant to be