Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

Same. Mine also updated this morning around 6 am something.it says decided

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Mine still says complete. Updated 7:00am this morning, on the dot.


My kid’s says complete but if I remember correctly, it has been complete for some time. Brown says in progress. One that she was accepted to says complete,and another that shew as accepted says decided.

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Yes, I completely understand that which is why I believe if a student athlete is also an outlier, as in reaches nationals in their sport for example (but not a recruited athlete), they shouldn’t have to then also show “outlier” status in the extra-curricular lane.

How to look this Slate stuff?

I have the same updated time

fingers crossed for you! maybe those saying decided, rather than complete, is a positive sign?

ok I no longer have the apply for fin aid section in my portal

Undergraduate isn’t everything! Grad school is the one that actually matters. Keep your head up. Redirection not rejection!


I think he’s tro lling cuz he posted the same thing on every thread


Where do I access this slate thing? Can someone share a link?

Breathes out slowly

FWIW, I don’t have the FA instructions on my portal either

Thank you. But not hopefull. I hope, everyone in this thread get accepted and we all can celebrate together :pray:t2::pray:t2:

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Does everyone still have the withdrawal button at the bottom of the portal?


Who do you think is ■■■■■■■■? The guy who said the thing about his daughter having a financial aid offer?

Looks like he got suspended.


Same I FA section and withdrawal section disappeared. So scaryyy

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does everyone have the option to withdraw in the portal?

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Not anymore. It disappeared

I still have it idk if thats a bad thing or not…