Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

I heard from somewhere that Harvard deferred about 80% of the ea applicants. They rejected only a few percentage of applicants

Gentle rejection without actually denying them??


Someone else posted in another thread, who seemed to know what they were talking about, is that they get so many SCEA apps that they can only really look closely at the outliers in the SCEA window - positive (accepted) and negative (rejected). The rest they defer for later review.


A. I donā€™t believe that to be true. I believe they read all the apps. They get roughly the same number of REA apps that Stanford gets, and Stanford rejects most REA applicants.

B. The high deferral rate is not new. Itā€™s been that way for at least a decade, so it seems thatā€™s their preference


I believe deferral hurts the kids more than an outright rejection. Reject - you just need to pick yourself up and move on. Deferral - you still continue to hold on to that sliver of hope - expecting a miracle. I like Stanfords process better ā€¦


Iā€™m a regional Coca Cola finalist? Should I update my colleges? How much impact does it have if any?


Hello! I am an international student from Spain. I have applied to Harvard, Yale and Princeton for regular decision. I got my Princeton interview but not my Harvard one. Does anyone know until what date I can still receive it? Last week of February?

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Until March. But beware, International interviews for Harvard and Yale, based on past successful applicantsā€™ testimony, are given only if you are being considered for admission in such a sense that it is really likely you will be admitted or you are ā€œon the edgeā€, at least for some countries where alumni availability is scarce.

Thank you so much for your answer! Yes, I am aware of that and that is why I am so nervous and worried about the interview. Do you think, because of the interview being a sign of likely Admission for the international students, they might ask for it late? I mean, I guess the officers had to go over almost all applications to decide on the students that are going to get in. Is it possible they didnā€™t even read my application yet? I sent It on the last day ( just in case this affects the reading order too).


What I was trying to say is if you think in the case of International applicants the interviews tend to be held more late? And therefore It was okay that I didnā€™t get it yet. Fingers corssed to be emailed soon.

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In the SFFA suit against Harvard, the plaintiffs computed that the third (aka final) readers gave 3.91% of the applicants an overall rating of 2 or higher before the case went on to full committee for a vote. Few applicants with overall ratings lower than 2 are admitted.

In contrast, the plaintiffs computed that alumni interviewers gave 35.34% of applicants an overall rating of 2 or higher.

In other words, over a third of all alumni give gushing reviews of applicants. This is why a great interview is unlikely to materially change a case. Alumni interviewers are nice people who volunteer their time, and like to say nice things about all the nice, and quite often, amazing kids that they meet (speaking from personal experience.)

It is common sense, however, that if any part of the application is terribleā€¦including a terrible interviewā€¦it is unlikely to help an applicant. If such an interview is inconsistent with an otherwise compelling case, one can reasonably expect one of the readers will make inquiries if they have time, even asking for another interviewer or perhaps re-interviewing the applicant themselves in the rare case.


Yes for sure! Congratulations!! Is there a place in the portal for you to upload an update?

Not necessarilyā€¦ and I didnā€™t get one either. But there is still time.
My countryā€™s applicants that got in last year got them around January 30th


Received interview request Jan 27th. UK international.


Did everyone who got accepted in the early action round get an interview?

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My son applied for regular decision during the month of October. Still did not receive an interview.
Is the interview a critical component of the application? Did anyone got in without an interview?

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I thought for Harvard the interviews were important. We donā€™t know anyone in our area who got one.

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S23 got one for Harvard and silence from UPenn. Who knows??


Still havenā€™t gotten an interview yetā€¦ kinda concerning, as I live in a densely populated area and my friends have gotten them, but then again, one of them only got their request last week, so Iā€™m just going to wait.


I read UPenn interviews about 90% of candidates so prob will be invited soon.