Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

I read that Harvard “will be hosting VERY limited in-person events for family members,” so I’m not planning on going. We’re sending our son alone.


can I ask when you received the likely letter and did you send other information to them?


Same. I was planning to go but doesn’t seem like there are activities for parents. Mostly for kids and parents events are virtual.

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they offer a campus tour and a 1 hour parents reception with snacks and drinks. Not worth coming a long way for unless you have not been on campus yet.

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Just decided to enroll at Stanford, so releasing my Harvard spot tomorrow


Did anybody upload materials for waitlist? Can i upload 2 materials?
Please let me know


We were told by the school counselor that we should only add a LOCI and nothing else. Any updates that you might have can be added to the LOCI.

Thanks, i added 2 updates. One loci other a small update about my current changes.

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Anyway did what we could. Really appreciate you writing back it will help others. :+1:t2:
Wishimg the very for those in waitlist.


We sent him off early this morning. I’m excited to hear his thoughts on the school. He’s never visited before, so it’s not an “automatic” for him.

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My D23 uploaded LOCI and a research abstract she did not submit during RD application cycle.

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Thanks. Sending some other materials with the LOCI would definitely add to your DD’s profile w
I feel that is what helped my son at Caltech, we had snet the research.
Best of Luck!!
If anyone receives any news about their waitlist position please share.