Harvard Class of 2027 Official Thread

I heard that many US students too didn’t get an interview yet. So I don’t think there is anything to worry about.

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An interview yielding “a good sign” for acceptance is different from “no interview = rejection 100% confirmed”. If there’s a clear citation one of you can link that explicitly states the 100% rejection confirmed" position, that’d be helpful. Otherwise, and unless you think Harvard has some reason to deceive its applicants, it seems that it’d be better for @Ausername321 to not make claims that it is. Regardless of whether that’s the case or not, I’d recommend that @Ausername321 adopt a softer and more nuanced tone in describing the situation.

I think you don’t understand Harvard’s little game here. Of course not having an interview isn’t a problem if you’re already in the reject pile. However, getting an interview is necessary if you want to get in :slight_smile: hope you understand

I don’t need a softer tone to claim something that is widely known. No interview means you are rejected. Period.

Whoever didn’t get an interview. If they got admission to Harvard this cycle, please share your status here. This information can be useful for many students in the future.


I think you meant no interview = rejection is for international students only right? Does having an interview is better than not for domestic students? Thanks

Any students in major cities in US did not get an interview?

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One needs to understand that @Ausername321 is an international applicant who has made a series of posts on numerous threads that are either misinformed or are downright wrong yet they present as proven facts. They’re not. So I would suggest taking with a grain of salt.


You just made me regain a bunch of faith, thanks :smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear:

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It has not been proven as fact, but we have years of evidence to form a substantiated judgement.


Not disagreeing. But presenting as fact (and doubling down, as that user does) is still different than presenting an opinion based on limited data and experience.


Hey! I am from Spain and I have not received an interview either. Keep having hope, maybe there is just a delay with the interviewers, it is not so easy to schedule interviews in other countries that are not the US of the UK so… At this point all we can do is wait :slight_smile:

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I know a bunch of people here in Italy that already received it, but who knows maybe they’re not done with the interviews yet. Like you said let’s wait and hope for the best :melting_face: :smiling_face_with_tear:

I see… I understand how you feel. I don’t know if someone got an interview in Spain already, as there is almost no information about Spanish students who study in Harvard and they never talk about this on the Internet. I really hope we both get our interview soon!


I agree with you. It is important to distinguish between fact and speculation. With Harvard themselves stating that they use IVP ratings to assign interviews, we can surely confirm some degree of selectivity, right?


What is IVP ratings?

When they read your application, they rate you in 6 different categories: academics, extracurriculars, athletic, personal, teacher recommendations, and if you get one, interview. They can give you a grade from 1 to 6, 1 being the best grade, 6 being the worst. If you want more indepth explanations on these grades you can check online, there are a bunch of websites and videos on youtube.


Copied directly from the Schools committee chairperson handbook:

• 1 IVP - The Admissions Committee believes an interview would help inform the decision for this student. This applicant is the first priority for an interview.
• 2 IVP - An applicant for whom more information could be helpful to the Admissions Committee if the S&S Committee has the resources available to interview students in this group.
• 3 IVP - An applicant for whom the Admissions Committee has sufficient information and should only be interviewed if the club has sufficient resources to do so.
• 4 IVP - An applicant for whom the Admissions Committee needs no additional information. This applicant need not be interviewed.


how is italian here?



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