<p>I just got my gpa back, a dismal 3.3 :/ but I guess it's average, and considering that my gpa only consists of three classes (two of them being life sci and math) I know I can boost it higher. I can definitely see my faults in waiting to study until a few days before exams, and being too concerned with getting answers for p-sets rather than learning the material. I also had some personal adjustment issues and, not to sound like a nutcase, a bout of minor depression (which I know is not an excuse). Before my slump I was getting A- on midterms and 100% on p-sets, and after those numbers just kept going down. By the time I realized what I was doing to myself, it was finals period, and already too late to dramatically change things. I don't mean to be arrogant, but for how little I worked I feel like I did surprisingly okay. </p>
<p>I want to take a 5th class this semester, and I know that sounds dumb, being that I'm continuing with all of my old classes, but I would like to boost my gpa by taking a class that really interests me, and that has a relatively light course-load. I would prefer a class that is reading/discussion based with maybe midterms or finals and a paper. Any suggestions? So far I'm thinking History of Social Science, HISTSCI 150. I think keeping myself busy will inevitably keep me on task (I know that sounds dumb, but if you give me 3 hours to do a 1 hour assignment, I will guiltily procrastinate for 2.5 hours; whereas if you give me one hour to do a one hour assignment, I will stay on task).</p>
<p>Lastly, I would TREMENDOUSLY appreciate an answer to my next question: Will my 3.3 gpa make me ineligible for summer programs? I want to apply for internships and medical research programs mainly at other ivies that have a min. 3.0 gpa. Obviously my gpa is above the min. requirement, but do I still have a chance? Have any of you been admitted to programs with a gpa similar to mine?</p>