If one were to pick between these two, does it all come down to a difference of personal taste? Can going to one over the other possibly hurt you in any way? Does the name “Harvard” give you a leg up in the business world as opposed to Wharton?
Oh, and so you know…I’m going to Wharton (Jerome Fisher program - Joint Degree in Management and Technology) next year. But off late I have been having some reservations (I won’t lie, the Harvard brand name is very very attractive & appealing), and have been thinking about possibly transferring to a good Economics program later on. Will this move be worth it? Or is it just a waste of time and money? Will this move be worth it? Or is it just a waste of time and money?
<p>Wharton without a doubt, you'll be set undergrad. You'll get much better business connections at Wharton undergrad and you'll look promising to a number of school for grad (if you decide to go grad)</p>
<p>Also according to student surveys, the kids at Penn are much happier with their undergrad experience over Harvard.</p>
<p>So would you choose Penn Economics (not Wharton) over Yale Economics? Both would be for a BA. Thanks!</p>
<p>Our valedictorian is going to Fisher. That program is gold.</p>
<p>be sure that u want to go to business if u are gonna go do Wharton UG. Also, a lot of companies like people who have a more liberal arts focus than going to business undergrad. In reality, they're about the same in the business world. But Harvard would give you more options if u decide not to do business.</p>
<p>I'm pretty sure I want to end up with a business career. So, I don't think I need to be concerned about getting an economics education vs an undergrad business degree because I've heard that students from both routes end up with the same jobs. </p>
<p>In that case, would a Wharton undergrad be on par with say Harvard/Princeton or Chicago economics degree?</p>
<p>when it comes down to ibanking and such, hyps along with sloan and wharton will get most attention from the firms. but among them, there isnt really a big difference in preference except that Harvard,Princeton and Wharton has REALLY strong alumni connections.</p>
<p>i wouldnt worry about it, esp. b/c you got into jerome fisher. wharton vs harvard...you could go either way. but if you throw in the jerome fisher, i say stick w/ wharton for sure.</p>
<p>but i am biased. :)</p>