Harvard International Interview question

<p>this is a pretty specific question ;-)
on the supplement for harvard there is a place where international students have to write down when and where they are being interviewed. I have not received any international interview booklet (even though I have asked for one at least three times) and am getting worried. Can I send in my Harvard supplement without filling that part in or do I have to wait?</p>

<p>This should help:
[Harvard</a> College Admissions Office: Prospective Students](<a href=“http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/international/interviews/index.html]Harvard”>http://www.admissions.college.harvard.edu/prospective/international/interviews/index.html)</p>

<p>I have been there and sent at least three emails :wink:
but thx :-)</p>

<p>Hey, sev1991, did you ever get the booklet? I’ve sent at least four emails and Harvard keeps replying with the stupid list of countries and the instructions to ask for a booklet. The problem is I only have two more weeks to arrange an interview, cause after that I’ll be leaving the country. I’m getting worried. How did you solve the problem in the end?</p>

<p>are we supposed to ask for a booklet? will they send it to us or will we need to request it? what if I live in a country like Indonesia which is not listed in the website?</p>

<p>Hiya, Dare7to7Dream. Apparently if you live in a country that isn’t listed in the website, they’ll bypass the interview. That’s why I’m worried; I’m Chilean, but I’m currently in Australia, and both countries are listed in the website. If Harvard says that it’s the student’s reponsibility to contact their interviewer they might penalize me if I don’t set an interview. But I asked for the booklet about a month ago and haven’t received it yet.</p>

<p>I was just in Indonesia a few months ago, by the way. It’s such a beautiful country!</p>

<p>Yup, I’m in India and it’s not on their list.</p>

<p>Hi, sorry to be getting back so to this so late, but in case you were still wondering, I wrote an email to them explaining that I kept getting the stupid booklet, and they mailed back a day later with a list of interviewers in my area :slight_smile: hope you all managed to set up an interview anyways.</p>

<p>I got an interview too. Good luck!</p>