Harvard law or t14 law school

Im an undergrad student
I had a covid last quarter(fall) that I couldnt pay attention to school study much(attendinng top public school) so I got 2 pass grade (changed to p/np grade from letter grade) and one a-.

My question is that, are 2 pass grades affect admission to top law school such as harvard or yale or u of chi? Also I was wondering if it affect to school like u of berkeley.

It’s already a done deal, nothing you can do about it now. Just keep on moving forward, and do your best. Yes, law schools most definitely do take into account GPAs, and also the LSAT. They will see the two grades changed to pass fail. They’ll also see that you only took 3 classes last semester, and that two were P/F. But of course, you certainly can let them know that you had Covid that semester! I’d say your best bet at this point is to continue to try to get straight A’s, and to prep intensively for the LSAT, especially since I think that perhaps you are not a native speaker of English.

You can take a look at law school admission selectivity at https://schools.lawschoolnumbers.com/ (click on each school see a scatterplot).

Note that college GPA for law school admission is recalculated as described at https://www.lsac.org/applying-law-school/jd-application-process/cas/requesting/transcript-summarization .