Harvard or UC Berkeley?

<p>why.......not everyone goes to college because of rank......thats just a narrow minded way of looking at it</p>

<p>bman- If I got into Harvard, but I also got into UCLA, Notre Dame, or Duke (haven't decided which one's my top), then I would choose one of those three. No question in my mind. Harvard is overrated.</p>

<p>Perhaps, but will a prospective boss think that?</p>

<p>UC's...you're a faceless number at a "state school"</p>

Perhaps, but will a prospective boss think that?


i mean yea it will look great......but jobs are all about graduate school.....im talking about undergraduate....and ucb is known for its graduate program</p>

<p>and ivys are not?</p>

<p>Harvard is definitely known for its excellent graduate programs.</p>

<p>^^ exactly.....so if they are almost equal in rank then why does it matter someone is going to ucb over harvard........</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=160386%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=160386&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Just something to think about...at least part of this has some truth to it.</p>

<p>Too poor...
Definitely Berkeley</p>

<p>Actually...I'd choose UCLA over both of them.</p>

<p>It's more important to me that I'm happy in a place where I can grow in the right environment for the next four years of my life than huddled in a dorm room 24/7 doing research. You will get a great education at any tier-one university. All of the rest of it is politics and tradition.</p>

<p>I think I'll have a better shot at a top notch graduate school -
at Harvard or Wharton or Kellog - after an undergrad program at
Berkeley or UCLA and a few years working at a hot shot California company ... so long as I can keep up my grades at UC.<br>
So I pick UCLA (I'm in) or Berkeley (waiting).</p>

<p>I think a lot of people are not taking the question seriously or are downplaying Harvard on purpose.</p>

<p>Berkeley is a good school but it is mainly focused on graduate programs and it is comparable to UCLA/Umich/UVA. </p>

<p>Harvard is... HARVARD! It could be the most overrated and snobby college ever but I'd still go. I care about my education as well as my future (not some overrated/overranked BS).</p>

<p>Wait is this thread about grad school or undergrad? Berkeley can't even compete undergrad...</p>

<p>It is about undergrad.</p>

<p>Ppl like downplaying top schools for some reason (perhaps because they know they can't ever get in?) I know I can't get into Harvard but I won't lie to myself; I'd go there in a heartbeat.</p>

<p>I totally agree with you, AcceptedAlready.</p>

Actually...I'd choose UCLA over both of them.

I had this feeling that someone was going to say this. I totally agree.</p>

<p>UCB... harvard is royally overrated and UCb kicks the !@#$%^&* outta it</p>

<p>harvard over berkeley and ucla any time (even if i get regents scholar from berkeley).</p>

<p>wayy too many poepel are at berkeley</p>