<p>I am a rising junior this summer and I couldn't decide whether to attend Harvard SSP (international law) or Junior Statesmen of America in Stanford (AP Macroeconomics + Honors speech communication).</p>
<p>JSA. hands down.
I did JSA summer school last year (not at Stanford, but still...) and it was absolutely incredible. Amazing people, amazing teachers, amazing guest speakers, all around amazing time. I would go back to JSA in a heartbeat - one of the best four weeks of my life.</p>
<p>JSA will help you to grow amazingly in your political awareness. I learned from so many people who had both similar and very different political views. I went in there as a debate virgin and came out with a best Speaker/Debator award. Stanford in the summer is a great place to be and there are lost of students on campus. There is also a very diverse body of students at JSA and you will learn alot about yourself.</p>
<p>Go to harvard. I have done both JSA and Harvard and let me make this clear
JSA WAS TERRIBLE!!!! It is simply a waste of money especially when you have the opportunity to go to Harvard SSP. </p>
<p>To be honest, the summer I spent at harvard was the best summer of my life. If you have any more questions feel free to PM me</p>
<p>I'm surprised people are even comparing the two programs. Harvard SSP is better on every front. More freedom (it truly mimics the college experience), better professors, tougher classes and more students. At JSA (I went to the one at Georgetown), the administrators acted as though we were two year olds. To be honest, I am surprised they didn't hold my hand while I was crossing the street. </p>
<p>SSP may be easier to get into, but it's a SIGNIFICANTLY better program. DONT GO TO JSA!!!</p>
<p>And it looks good that you did something have way decent with your summer. Admissions would rather see you go to a legit program like ssp instead of an illegitimate program like JSA</p>
<p>I guess everyone’s experience is different, but I must say that I enjoyed JSA. I did JSA Summer School at Yale and it was a great way to spend my summer. I met notable political figures like Katie Couric, Brian Williams, Geraldine Ferraro, and the Executive Director of UNICEF. Since we were at Yale, we were able to meet the Dean of Admissions of Yale. My professors were legit and one came from Harvard Law. Different people have different experiences, but summer 2008 for me was well spent. Plus you could apply for scholarship if price is a factor.</p>
<p>Different people take away different experiences from their summer programs. It’s better that you attend a program that you know you’ll enjoy and can share your experience with others rather than just attending a program that you think will look good. If the program had a profound effect on you, the admissions committee will take that seriously. I learned a lot with JSA Yale, yet there may be others that don’t express the same enthusiam. But for me, it was worth my summer and as long as I can express what I’ve learned and its affect on me, that is what matters.</p>