Harvard Supplement Essay

<p>For the Harvard supplement, is there only 1 optional essay, that's as follows?</p>

<p>Occasionally, students feel that college application forms do not provide a sufficient opportunity to convey important information about themselves or their accomplishments. If there is something you would like us to know, please inform us in the essay section at the end of the document. If you wish to include an additional essay, you may do so.
Possible Topics:
Unusual circumstances in your life
Travel or living experiences in other countries
Books that have affected you the most
An academic experience (course, project, paper, or research
topic) that has meant the most to you
A list of the books you have read during the past twelve months</p>

<p>What I am confused is "include an additional essay". is the essay already included a harvard supplement essay or just the common app essay?</p>


<p>The Common App has a main essay that would be separate from the additional essay in the Harvard supplement.</p>

<p>What kyledavid said. Basically they're saying their supplemental essay is optional (you do have to do the main Common App essay), but then again, if you really want to be considered you better do that extra essay!</p>

<p>okay thanks...I just wanted to make sure that it's only ONE supplement essay. I thought there's one mandatory supplementary essay and that one is optional (like how UPenn has 1 must and 1 optional for supplement).</p>

<p>thank you</p>

<p>just to check: is the harvard supplement character limit 2000 as in the type-up box? i have a 500 word essay and am having a lot of trouble cutting it down -.-</p>

<p>^you can upload a file... thus, you can keep it at 500 words</p>

<p>what would be the accepted word count for ALL supplemental essays (not just Harvards)? Is it 500, just like the personal statement of the common app?</p>

<p>Also, for Harvard's supplement, is it generally a good idea to write on the suggested topics?</p>

<p>yeah even for the Common App main essay, keep it to about 500.....according to yale adcomms</p>

<p>Yeah, is it necessary to write about one of the "possible topics". Can I use another essay?</p>

<p>"Yeah, is it necessary to write about one of the "possible topics". Can I use another essay?"</p>

<p>Write about whatever you want. Possible topics are just that -- POSSIBLE topics.</p>

<p>Where does it ever say that the Common App personal statement has to be 500 words? Mine was around 650. Exactly 1 page single-spaced. Is that fine?</p>

<p>The essay in the Harvard supplement said “optional” so I assumed it was just that and didn’t write another essay in addition to my common app one. I figured that since I spent so much time on my common application essay that it would truly demonstrate my writing ability (essentially, they would rather see quality over quantity). Was this a smart move, or not?</p>

<p>EBaum, I can’t tell you. The thing is, more essays mean more “you” coming out in the app (if they’re successful, of course…). </p>

<p>Should it disqualify you? No. But it may mean a similar candidate sways the adcoms towards him because of that additional, revealing essay. Or not.</p>

<p>I did submit one; the Princeton one that I thought really was “me.” </p>

<p>And the CommonApp one doesn’t need to be around 500. Mine was over 800, and I got into Stanford, so it can’t be that important.</p>

<p>That’s comforting; I’ve got one around 850 that’s being heralded as the second coming by most of the people who’ve read it, and I got a little perturbed for a second a few posts back. >.></p>

<p>I don’t know why we are constantly being told about the 500 word limit when nowhere on commonapp does it specify such a thing. I think it is a bit ridiculous. So far, the ones I’ve submitted that actually wanted you to limit your words were the supplements eg.limit your response to around 500 words. If you’re like me, you’ll take this as, write around 300-604 words. haha but that’s just my outlook on it. As for Harvard, I think you can write anything you want. Possible topics are the ones people usually submit, but there are no restrictions. I’m sure you could write about apple pie if you found some impeccable analogy to compare it to =p</p>

<p>My Common App essay was about 750 words and I got into Yale, so I wouldn’t worry about the unofficial 500 words policy at all. Just make it good.</p>

<p>my common app essay was to share my story. can I use the same one for Harvard’s optional essay about sharing your story? does the same person read the Harvard supplementary essay and the common app essay?</p>

<p>Since you are new to CC you should know that you should not resurrect old threads. Use them only for informational purposes and post your questions on a new thread. The optional essay is for you to write/share something about yourself that is in addition to what you have written on the Common App. Multiple readers will read your file and they will not appreciate seeing the same essay twice.</p>