<p>Does Harvard have undergrad business school?Ive checked websites on top undergrad business colleges but harvard is not listed in there for some reason</p>
<p>It’s not there because they don’t have an undergraduate business program. Harvard, Yale, Princeton all shy away from pre-professional majors. Which I applaud.</p>
<p>That said, quite a few undergraduates at Harvard are interested in business. Some clubs address this interest specifically, including Women in Business, Harvard Student Agencies, and The Harvard Crimson - Business Board.</p>
<p>Most people who are interested in business at Harvard will major in Economics.</p>
<p>I think Applied Math is also really popular. It’s also possible to take some business classes (i.e. Accounting) by cross registering at MIT.</p>
<p>There are so many different ways to get involved with Business at Harvard if that’s your passion.</p>