Harvard University Waitlist Class of 2027

i called harvard yesterday, they didn’t tell me much BUT THEY DID SAY THAT THEY CHOSE TO ACCEPT A SMALL NUMBER OF PEOPLE OFF THE WAITLIST. and that everyone should know by june/end of june. I got into dyson school so im chilling but this thread will become more active soon. Best of luck!


If any movement happens this year - it will be after May 15th or later.


thats what they told me yeah


Daughter SIRd at UCLA.

Do you think they already chose people off the waitlist or are you just saying that they know the amount of people to admit? I sent in my LOCI today which I know is a little late but I have been dealing with personal issues (I mentioned in my LOCI as well). Is it too late for me?

You still have hope, they said “they hadn’t started meetings yet”, dude it’s such a random thing if God wants it for you it’ll happened I think that’s the only real way to look at it at this point


Thank you for letting me know! I agree, if it’s meant for you then it’s meant for you. The only thing we can do is just hope and well even if I don’t get admitted, I’ll do great anywhere I go just like all of us here! :heart: It’s stressful but I wish us and everyone here the best of luck!


Absolutely correct. Praying God, may the best happen. May God keep every family and kid happy always.
My niece chose Yale to Harvard as they were giving her scholarship to pursue her Stem. She loves her department and has published 3 papers already- 1 as the first author
My best friends daughter chose Princeton over Harvard due to the financial aid package and finds the atmosphere very academically oriented, more than Harvard. It matches her nerdy personality.
Harvard is a good college and prestigious one too but it should be a right fit for the student.
No matter where God has destined for you, keep the faith that the best will happen.
Best of Luck to all!


That’s amazing! I committed to Stanford but I’ve always dreamed of going to school in Boston.

Wrote a really unorthodox, heartfelt LOCI, hopefully it’s out of the box enough to get me over the edge

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Berkeley CS

when can we expect some waitlist movement?

Maybe next week or a week after based on last few years CC records, but who knows this year might be different… hopefully we can hear something soon though.

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After May 15th, if there will be movement this year at all.

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How do you know it’s after May 15?


Based on direct admissions office response this year and anecdotal data from previous years.

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I called the admissions office and they confirmed that a handful of students will be admitted from the waitlist this year.


it will start this week, right? presumably friday?

most people will know where they stand this week!