Harvard University Waitlist Class of 2027

Phone call and an email. I saw proof from the user. I’m guessing a few people are going to be admitted tomorrow and lots are going to be rejected as part of the first wave. There are probably still spots left that will be filled in the next few weeks.

So they only admitted one person today and more to come tomorrow?

Do you think it’s possible that people will be admitted who didn’t receive a call, or only people who received a call?

Only one person on CC/Reddit - could be other people who aren’t.


I doubt for the wave that’s coming tomorrow anyone didn’t get a phone call/email. It seems unlikely for them just to email one. Even then, I wouldn’t give up hope until at least the end of May because there are certainly going to be more admits after tomorrow.

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So you think if you don’t get any correspondence today, then likely you won’t get any tomorrow?

Maybe they will make some calls tomorrow morning, but I’m doubtful that they would admit people tomorrow that did not receive any correspondence. I still think that doesn’t mean its “over” for waitlisted people because they’re going to admit more people this month and next month. All of this is speculation–pessimistic speculation at that.

The “you’re on the waitlist” note has disappeared from my portal. Guess I wasn’t accepted off of it although that was expected :frowning:

yea same for me. what does that mean?

I didn’t think they would take off the note so soon if people weren’t being taken off the waitlist. I’m cautiously optimistic but managing expectations at this point bc this might mean we just weren’t accepted

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yea true, I have faith but I’m also ready to cope lol

Does your portal show your application checklist like before the decision was released?

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No it has a checklist for the update information I uploaded after being waitlisted (my loci etc)

Interesting, mine is like that yesterday and now it is different from yours. Hope that we aren’t overthinking with all this portal astrology :confused:

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Mine hasn’t changed. What does that mean?

Sign of them releasing decisions in waves I guess? Based on the changes, I think a few of us will hear back soon, while some will hear back later this week/month. But to be honest, I have no idea and also don’t want to get my hope up :<

Yes, I believe someone said people may find out sometime in June? Correct me if I’m wrong lol. I’d just like some definitive closure at least

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what does yours look like now?

And would that mean that they are still considering the application? Or that they haven’t discussed it yet?

The June timeline is reasonable considering that Harvard has a z-list (for people who get accepted to the next class + have to take a gap year rather than matriculating this fall)