Harvard University Waitlist Class of 2027

If yours hasn’t changed, may mean that you won’t be getting a decision today and will remain on the waitlist? Seems like good news.

Our portal changed again a minute ago and now we can only see the checklist of things that we submitted with the original application.

i can see this! but not the “you’re confirmed to remain on the waitlist” box, just the waitlist reply form

wait, like your able to see the form where we had to deny/accept our spot on the waitlist?

i can see under “forms” waitlist reply form


does anyone not have any of their waitlist stuff anymore. i want to see a count because i think this is a rejection sign

can you still see the waitlist reply form?

No, we can’t see it. We only have the original checklist.

mine looks like this

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no only stuff from before the original decision came out

mine is exactly the same

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but can you access it normally? I had that page open and i just refreshed it

oh i can’t access it normally- i opened a new tab and when i sign in it’s just the original stuff but when i refresh it’s what you had

what is the link of that page

ya me too

so psyched to get my final rejection :tired_face::tired_face:

idk why I have hope anyway, I didnt upload anything after I got waitlisted

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saw someone on reddit say they called and admissions didn’t comment on the state of the portal but said to keep an eye on it- the person pointed out that admissions doesn’t know who is calling, so it’s possible that everyone’s looks like that and that it’s no indication. remember we will all be incredibly successful no matter what and this is but a small part in the rest of our lives :blush:


hey folks—wow, so much pessimism in this thread. i’d like to remind y’all that several people got off the waitlist last year WITHOUT a phone call or email, and it’s unlikely that harvard has only admitted ONE person from the waitlist. have a little hope, yeah?


thanks friend- tbh i’m just preparing for the worst but in all actuality i’m sure one of us will get off of it!! good luck to everyone