Following up on UC presidents, Levi is one who doesn’t get enough recognition (other than the Ad building now being named after him . . . ). Seven years at the helm and memorable quotes such as this:
"The University of Chicago … does not exist to increase the earning power of its students. It does not exist to train the many technicians needed for our society, nor to develop inventions important for industry.
While it is and should be a good neighbor, it does not exist to be a redevelopment agency for the South Side of Chicago.
Its primary purpose is not to be a college where students can find themselves free of the pressure of the discipline of learning.
It does not exist to be a series of experimental political and social communities, nor is its institutional purpose to be found in the leadership by it of new liberal or conservative causes.
… while its faculty and students will individually respond to a variety of political and social commitments, the purpose of the University continues to be intellectual, not moral.
… its greatest service is in its commitment to reason, in its search for basic knowledge, in its mission to preserve and to give continuity to the values of mankind’s many cultures. In a time when the intellectual values are denigrated, this service was never more required."
And this:
"The University of Chicago exists for the life of the mind. Its primary purpose is intellectual. It exists to increase the intellectual understanding and powers of mankind. The commitment is to the powers of reason.
Levi was president during the Great Sit-In of 1968-69, and chose to wait out the protestors rather than call in police or negotiate. Read about it here:
The sit-in resulted in 40-some odd expulsions and a host of suspensions. Imagine that happening today!
Levi resigned the presidency in '75 in order to become the new AG under the Ford administration, which explains his brief(er) tenure at Chicago than some of his predecessors.
He was also the only(?) president to have attended the university from Lab to Law. And most of his academic career was spent there as well.